Special permission to stay

What is a special permission to stay?

Special permission to stay

A special permission to stay is a system whereby the Minister of Justice gives a special status of residence to a foreign national who is illegally residing in Japan due to illegal residence (overstay) or illegal entry.

Whether or not to grant special permission for residence is determined at the discretion of the Minister of Justice.
The decision will be made based on a comprehensive consideration of the illegal alien's reason for wanting to stay, family situation, history of living in Japan, and the need for humanitarian consideration.


Additionally, the Minister of Justice may grant special permission for residence in the following cases:

  • · When receiving a permanent residence permit.
  • · When I used to have a domicile in Japan as a Japanese citizen.
  • · When residing in Japan with being under the control of others by trafficking in person etc.
  • · When other Minister of Justice finds circumstances to allow for special residence.

Documents to be submitted

Documents to be submitted for applicant's special spouse permission application are different depending on whether the applicant is "spouse's case" or "other case".

【Spouse's case】

1. Statement
2. ID card
  1. ① Copy of passport All pages
  2. ② A copy of the residence card
  3. ③ Copy of identification card (driver's license, home country ID card, etc.)
3. Proof of marriage
  1. ① Family register copy (one with a statement of marital facts, one with a child description if there are children
  2. ② Certificate of family register of home country etc
  3. ③ Prosecution of marriage notification receipt
  4. ④ Certificate of written matter on marriage registration
4. Proof of living situation
  1. ① Resident's card (for all households living together)
  2. ② Certificate of employment (for executives, a certified copy of the company register; for self-employed, a business license or other document that shows the nature of the work)
  3. ③ Something that shows your annual income for the most recent year (withholding tax slip, income certificate, final tax return, etc.)
  4. ④ Documents proving receipt of pension, welfare, etc.
  5. ⑤ A copy of the register of the place of residence or a copy of the rental contract (something that shows the renewal status of the contract)
  6. ⑥ Spouse's resume
  7. ⑦ Copy of maternal and child health handbook
  8. ⑧ Child's school enrollment certificate, attendance/transcript
  9. ⑨ Copy of bankbook/all pages in use
  10. ⑩ Several snapshots (especially from weddings and receptions)
  11. ⑪ 4 ID photos (5cm x 5cm)
  12. ⑫ Others

[Other Matters]

1. Something to prove your identity
  1. ① Passport copy all pages
  2. ② A copy of Alien Registration Certificate
  3. ③ A copy of the ID card (driver's license, home country card, etc.)
2. Documents proving residence status
<Work qualifications>
·employment agreement
· Copy of resignation
· Income statement / number of staff, materials clarifying wage payment to staff (management · management)
· Trainee's Roster / Training Plan (Training)
<Study abroad>
· Certificate of student status
· Grades · Certificate of attendance status
· Certificate of Registration Registration
· Certificate documents such as contents of research and contents of auditing (limited to those issued by faculty / institution, things with teacher individual name are not allowed)
<Family stay>
· Marital relationship, proof of parent-child relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.)
· Nikkei discovery (misplaced) material
<Parenting Case>
· Family register copy of child
· Resident's card of the child
· Child birth certificate
· Several snapshots
· Certification picture 4 sheets (5cm × 5cm)
3. Documents proving income and living expenses
Principal, sponsors
  1. ① Certificate of incumbency
  2. ② Those that understand the annual income of the most recent 1 years (withholding tax levy, income certificate, final return form, etc.)
  3. ③ Certificate of receiving welfare benefits, etc.
  4. ④ Scholarship receipt certificate (study abroad)
  5. ⑤ Remittance certificate (study abroad)

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