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How much annual income can I naturalize?Relationship between naturalization permit rate and annual income

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XNUMX.Why is income an issue when applying for naturalization?

As one of the conditions for the naturalization application to be permitted,livelihood requirementsthere is.Put simply,income and assetsis a requirement for

According to Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Nationality Act,“Able to make a living from the assets or skills of oneself or a spouse or other relatives who share the same livelihood.”Is stipulated.
In other words, during the examination of the naturalization application, "Whether the applicant has sufficient financial resources to sustain life in Japan” will play a role in judging.

Due to the existence of this requirement, income becomes an issue when applying for naturalization. much income should i have

So, how much income do you need to have in order for your naturalization application to be approved?

Speaking from conclusion,“Annual income of 〇〇 yen or more” or “It is okay if you have an income of 〇〇 yen or more”such asno standards exist.
If you are applying for permanent residence, the minimum annual income is 300 million yen, and you are required to keep that 300 million yen for the past 5 years or more, and the required annual income increases depending on the number of dependents.
※For more information⇒Go to the Permanent Resident Visa Application Conditions page

In the case of naturalization application, the amount of sufficient funds for living in Japan will vary depending on the individual circumstances of the applicant.
for that reason,There are many cases where naturalization was permitted even if the annual income was in the 200 million yen range..

But in generalAnnual income of about 300 million yenIf there is (even if it is less than 300 million yen), there is a good chance that the naturalization application will be permitted.
In that sense, it can be said that the annual income requirements are lower than those required for permanent residency.

In what cases can it be disadvantageous, such as having debt?

due to livelihood requirementsunfavorableAs a possible case,have debtAndEmployment form is dispatched / contract employee.

● If you have debts
If you have a debt, it does not necessarily mean that your naturalization application will not be accepted.If you can explain with materials that you can repay without problems in terms of the amount of debt, repayment status, income, etc., and you can lead an economically stable life in Japan, your application will be fully approved. It seems.
However,If you have a large amount of debt that does not match your incomeIn the future, it will be difficult to obtain permission to apply for naturalization.
● If the employment form is a temporary or contract employee
Between regular employees and temporary/contract employees,Stability of continued employmentIn that sense, it is undeniable that full-time employees have an advantage.Income is low, employment type is dispatch / contract employeeIn that case, permission may not be obtained.

XNUMX.How will income be assessed when applying for naturalization?

Regarding income, it is one of the documents for naturalization permission application "livelihood briefYou will enter your income and expenditure in .

Income and expenses are recorded in the summary of livelihood.Integrity is required.
In this way, with respect to incomeExamination is based on the summary of livelihood and various attached documentsIt will be.

Income and expenses to be described in the “Summary of Livelihood” are not only for the person who applies for naturalization, but also for relatives who live together and share the balance.calculated by addingWill do.
Examples of income include salaries, business income, pensions, child allowances, and child support.
On the other hand, examples of expenses include food, housing, loans, utilities, education, remittances, and child support.

4. Summary

The most important thing to meet the living requirements, which is one of the requirements for naturalization application,balanced income and expensesAnd even though I will live in Japan in the futuresufficient meansIt is possible to explain that there is

The amount of income required to be considered financially sufficient varies from person to person, and whether or not it meets the livelihood requirementsComprehensive judgment based on individual circumstances.

■ The person who wrote this article ■
Representative Takashi Moriyama

Takashi Moriyama
Representative of administrative scrivener corporation Climb.Specializing in visa application and naturalization application, which is an international business from the time of establishment.The number of visa applications for foreigners is about 1,000 per year, and we are confident in our abundant experience and know-how.Based on his knowledge of immigration services, he is also in charge of advisory services for employment of foreigners to companies as an advisor.

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