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Eligibility for status of residence of business management visa and stable continuity of business

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What can foreigners with a "business / management" visa do in Japan?

▼What is “appropriate status of residence”?

Eligibility for status of residence refers to the requirement for foreigners to carry out activities that fall under the "status of residence", which categorizes the activities permitted in Japan by foreigners, as stipulated by the Immigration Control and Refuge.
This "status of residence" is categorized according to the purpose of working in Japan, the status of living in Japan with a marriage partner, etc., and each "status of residence" is recognized by foreigners in Japan. The content has been decided.

Status of residence "Business / Management" status of residence Applicable

Then, the status of residence "business AdministrationWhat is the status of residence?
In other words,What kind of activities can foreigners with a "business / management" visa do in Japan?

Status of residence"business Administration” stipulates the eligibility of residence status.Immigration Control Act Appended Table 1The column below the "Management/Management" section of the table in 2 stipulates the applicability of the "Management/Management" status of residence as follows.

Foreigners who have started trading or other businesses in Japan, or have invested in and managed these businesses in Japan, or are engaged in the management of such businesses, or who have started managing these businesses in Japan (those who have established a foreign corporation) (hereinafter the same applies in this section), or activities to manage or manage these businesses in Japan on behalf of foreigners (see the legal/accounting services section of this table). (Excluding activities involving business management or management that cannot be carried out by law unless one has the qualifications listed in (1).)

In other words, the status of residence "business AdministrationForeigners with a visa will be able to "act as a business manager in Japan" or "act as a business manager".

Meaning of terms

above"Managing trade and other businesses in Japan"

  • ■ Opening an office, etc., which is the basis of activities in Japan, and starting and managing trade and other businesses (starting business)
  • ■ Participation in the management of trade and other businesses already in Japan (participation in business)
  • ■ Performing business on behalf of a person who has started trading or other business management in Japan or a person who manages these businesses in Japan (change of management)

Also, the above "Engage in the management of the business"

  • ■ Engaging in the management of a business that has started or is participating in the management in Japan (management of the business that has started or is participating)
  • ■ Engaging in the management of the business on behalf of the person who started the management of trade or other business in Japan or the person who manages these businesses in Japan.

Points to note regarding the applicability of activities with the status of residence "Business / Management"

▼What does “running business” or “engaging in management” specifically mean?

  • Activities engaged in "management"IsActivities as officers such as representative directors, directors, and corporate auditors engaged in decisions on important matters related to business operations, business execution, audit work, etc.Is applicable.
  • Activities engaged in "management"IsActivities as managers such as department managers, factory managers, branch managers, etc. engaged in business management workIs applicable.

Status of residence"business AdministrationThe foreigner who applies for "" will be judged as permitted or disapproved by confirming the contents of the actual business as to whether or not he / she will substantially participate in or engage in these business and management operations.

▼ Business continuity

Status of residence"business AdministrationIf it is expected that the business as a manager or manager will be interrupted, such as when the business is not started during the period of stay determined by the foreigner who applies for "", it is not applicable. It will be difficult to be granted.

From this perspective, as a factor in determining the eligibility requirements,Objective stability/continuityIs required.
This point is required not only when applying for certification and change, but also when applying for renewal, as a matter of course.

Regarding this objective stability and continuity, not only the existence of a basic contract with the counterparty of the transaction, the number of transactions, frequency, sales, and changes in net income, but also the properties that are set up as business establishments and offices. You can also see whether the activities as a business are being carried out objectively.

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