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Points for applying for renewal of business / management visa

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This time, I will touch on the points when applying for a business / management visa renewal.
The characteristic of this status of residence is that many people are first granted a period of stay of one year, and then take time to extend the period of stay to three or five years.
I will tell you how to make it easier for you to be granted a period of stay of multiple years.

What is the stability and continuity of the business required for renewal?

▼ Important points for business/management visas!

There are four important items when renewing your visa.

  • ・ Is there sales of the business (whether the business is working properly)?
  • ・ Are there any insolvencies (whether net assets are positive)
  • ・ Are all taxes such as corporate tax paid?
  • ・ Does the person pay all taxes?

The most important of theseIs there sales of the business (Financial status)?.
Even if the business is in the red in the first year, it is not given much importance,Recorded a steady profit from the second year onwardsOtherwise, it may be determined that the business does not have continuity or stability.
It is mainly judged by the income statement and balance sheet of the financial statements.

Possibility of renewal disapproval

▼ Importance of a specific business plan

Before"Business management visa"As I mentioned above, it is difficult to apply without a clear business plan, which is connected to the above point.
In other words, If you do not continue to increase profits from the second year onwards, the probability of being rejected at renewal will increase..

About social insurance

▼ What about social insurance if you are a one-person company?

In the first place, corporations such as joint-stock companies are obliged to take out social insurance when executive compensation or salary is incurred, which is the same as for foreign managers.
In June 2020, the Immigration Services Agency's guidelines regarding business manager visas were revised, and theObligation to join social insurance clarifiedIt was done.
Until now, the status of social insurance coverage had not been confirmed, so there were many cases in which the representative of the corporation did not subscribe.
However, since this revision has made it an item that will always be confirmed, it is inevitable that it will be necessary to subscribe.
Of course, it is not enough that you only have to take out insurance, but you are required to properly carry out insurance enrollment procedures and pay appropriate insurance premiums.

Change registration

▼ If there is a reason for change registration

The company must have certain items registered with the Legal Affairs Bureau.
When there are changes to the company's registered information,Change registrationThe Immigration Bureau will also check whether you have properly registered this change.
(Since the immigration examination is basically a written trial, the examination will be done in writing such as a copy of the registry.)

For example, if you change your company's address but leave it as is, it may be determined that your company is not operating properly, and your application for extension of your period of stay may be rejected. If your company's address changes, be sure to register the change in the head office location.

In addition, the address of the company's representative is also one of the registration items, so please do not just move and change the address on your residence card, but also register the change of representative address properly. Please note that registering a change of address for the company representative is an item that is often forgotten.

Other changes include the addition of objectives necessary for conducting business other than the business objectives stated in the Articles of Incorporation, the registration of officer changes when adding officers, and the registration when the term of office of officers has expired. There are many registrations.
If something changes happens in your company, consult an expert such as a judicial scrivener.

Type of stay

▼ 1 year, 3 years, 5 years

These years are the number of years of stay permitted on a business management visa.
This is a very difficult status of residence to be granted a period of stay of 3 years or more.

One of the criteria for approval is 3 years or more.

  • ・ Executive compensation for the last 3 years is 300 million yen or more
  • ・ The company's financial results have been in the black for the last three years.

It is difficult to recognize that these two items have not been cleared at least.

Operational standards for multi-year visa acquisition

▼ Criteria for changing from 1 year to 3 years

  1. 1. You must have made the necessary notifications, such as changes to your address or affiliated institution.
  2. 2. If you have children of compulsory school age, your children must be attending elementary school or junior high school.
  3. 3. Be a Category XNUMX or higher company
  4. 1. You are planning to stay in Japan for more than one year from now.
  5. 5. The management situation of the company being managed is recognized as stable.

The first hurdle when renewing your visa is to increase your one-year period of stay to three years.
Of course, the above five items must be met, but the major factors arecompany salespersonal income.
Let's clear the remaining items on the assumption that these two points will be cleared.

Of course, other items are still important.
For example, if you neglect the necessary notification obligations, it will be difficult to obtain a three-year period of stay.
In addition, if you do not fulfill various public obligations such as tax payment, there is a high possibility that you will be denied permission rather than renewal.
Furthermore, if you have received criminal punishment in the past, it will be difficult for you to be sentenced for more than three years, depending on the nature of the punishment.

Recently, including other statuses of residence,Tax payment statuswill be strictly checked.
You are obliged to pay taxes, but be aware that it can be overdue.

▼ Criteria for changing from 3 year to 5 years

  1. 1. You must have made the necessary notifications, such as changes to your address or affiliated institution.
  2. 2. If you have children of compulsory school age, your children must be attending elementary school or junior high school.
  3. 1. Company category 2 or 3. Or, even if you are Category 5, you must have continued experience as a manager/manager in Japan for XNUMX years or more.
  4. 3. You plan to stay in Japan for more than three years from now.
  5. 5. The company's management situation is recognized as stable.

What is common to both the 3-year and 5-year standards is that in order to recognize the stability of a company's management situation, it is necessary to comprehensively consider not only the company's business performance but also the content and performance of the company's activities as a manager. You will be judged.
On top of that, in order to obtain a 5-year period of stay, the period of stay must exceed 3 years.Stability, continuity, and good residency statusIs required.
If you obtain a period of stay of 5 years, you will not only benefit from the status of residence, but will also be useful for business expansion, such as making it easier to receive loans, so please aim for 5 years using the above criteria as a guide.


What did you think?
While it is difficult to obtain a multi-year period of stay with the Business/Management status of residence, as a company manager, you may be able to reduce the time-consuming renewal procedure to once every few years, or if you would like to apply for permanent residence in the future. In this case, a period of stay of 3 years is a necessary condition, so I think you can understand that it is a very attractive option.

By proactively certifying the above criteria, you are more likely to be granted a period of stay of multiple years.
If you have renewed your visa many times but only receive one year, and you wish to extend your period of stay for multiple years, please let us know what is missing in your application. I hope I can help you think about it.

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