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What documents are required to apply for permanent residence?Explain the points to prepare!

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The documents required for applying for permanent residence differ depending on the current status of residence “visa”

When preparing the necessary documents for permanent residence application, you should be careful about your current status of residence visa.
Depending on the status of residence you have, the documents you need to apply for permanent residence will change.
For that reason, you must first prepare the following basic documents, plus collect each document.

Basic documents common to each status of residence
  • ・ Permanent residence permit application
  • ・Original passport
  • ・Resident card
  • ・Documents certifying the income and tax payment status of the applicant and those who support the applicant
  • ・Documents certifying the payment status of public pension and public medical insurance premiums of the applicant and the applicant's dependents
  • ・Letter of understanding
Documents regarding guarantor
  • -Letter of guarantee
  • -Documents that clarify the identity of the guarantor(copy of driver's license, etc.)

After preparing the above, the following cases are different.

  1. XNUMX.For work visa
  2. XNUMX.For spouse visa
  3. XNUMX.For long-term resident visa
  4. XNUMX.For highly skilled professionals

Let's take a closer look at what additional documents are required.

▼ For work visa

In the case of a work visa,Are you a company employee or a company manager?The required documents will change slightly.

For company employees
  • ·Certificate of incumbency

The above is enough, but it would be even better if you have the following documents.

  • ・Recommendation letter prepared by the representative of the company
  • ・Certificate of commendation, letter of appreciation, etc.

In this way, the materials from the company you belong to will be the main focus.
For permanent residence applicationGood behavior on a regular basisis included as a condition, so if you have a letter of recommendation or a letter of commendation, it will be a plus.

If you are a company manager (business manager visa)
  • ・ Copy of business permit
  • ・Copy of copy of tax return (corporation)

The focus is on information about the company you run.

If you have a work visa, please prepare the above documents and apply for permanent residence.

▼ For spouse visa

If you already have a spouse visa, you will need fewer types.
Please collect the following documents.

Documents regarding Japanese spouse
  • ・ A copy of the family register
For company employees (self or dependents)
  • ·Certificate of incumbency
For company managers (self or dependents)
  • ・ Copy of business permit
  • ・Copy of copy of tax return (corporation)

If you have a spouse visa and are not working, you will be fine with just the documents related to your Japanese spouse.
Also, at that time, the Japanese spouse will be the guarantor, so it is better to focus on collecting documents for that purpose.

▼ For long-term resident visa

If you have a long-term resident visa, please prepare the following additional documents.

For company employees
  • ·Certificate of incumbency
For business owners and self-employed people
  • ・Copy of final tax return
  • ・ Copy of business permit

The required documents are less than other visas.
On the other hand,Certificates confirming tax payment status for the past 5 years are requiredSo be careful.

▼ For highly skilled professionals

When a person with a highly skilled professional visa applies for permanent residence, unlike other residence statuses,Point calculation tableis required.
So prepare the following documents.

  • ・Highly Skilled Professional Point Calculation Table
  • ・Clarification materials regarding point calculation

Point calculation tablecan be downloaded from the website of the Immigration Services Agency, so it is OK if you obtain it and fill it in before applying for permanent residence.
As a point of caution, the key points for highly skilled professionals are70 or 80 pointsThe documents you need to prepare are slightly different.

If the points are 70 points
  • ・Documents certifying the income and tax payment status of the applicant and the applicant's dependents for the past 3 years
  • ・Documents certifying the payment status of public pension and public medical insurance premiums for the applicant and the applicant's dependents for the past two years
  • ・Presentation of a document proving your identity
  • ・Documents related to contributions to Japan (letter of recommendation, letter of commendation, etc. prepared by a representative of the workplace) *Only if available
If the points are 80 points
  • ・Documents certifying the income and tax payment status of the applicant and the applicant's dependents for the past 1 years
  • ・Documents certifying the payment status of public pension and public medical insurance premiums for the applicant and the applicant's dependents for the past two years

As mentioned above, it is more difficult to obtain a score of 80, so the requirements for applying for permanent residence have been partially relaxed.
Other than that, it's basically the same, so let's collect the point calculation table first.

What to pay attention to in the application documents

A guarantor is necessary when applying for permanent residence, but Japanese people tend to avoid the word guarantor because they do not have a very good impression of it.
However, depending on your guarantor, it is possible that your application for permanent residence will be approved or not, so you will want to choose one if possible.

When requesting a guarantor, we recommend that you ask the following person.

  • ● Japanese nationals or foreign nationals who have already obtained permanent residency
  • ● People with stable income (annual income of 300 million yen or more)
  • ● People who are not in arrears with their taxes

If you have a Japanese spouse, it would be quickest to ask your spouse to act as your guarantor.
If any of the above applies to you, please explain the role of the guarantor and ask them to understand.

Points to be aware of when applying (timing to apply for permanent residence)

There are some points to keep in mind when applying for permanent residence.
In particular, the examination of permanent residence applications is extremely difficult and takes time, so it is ideal to obtain permission in one go.
Therefore, pay attention to the following points.

  1. XNUMX.Do you travel overseas a lot?
  2. XNUMX.Are there any unpaid taxes?
  3. XNUMX.Were there any traffic violations or accidents?

If you pay attention to all of these things, the chances of your application for permanent residence going through will greatly increase.
Let's take a closer look at what each of these mean.

▼ Do you travel overseas often?

When applying for permanent residence, it is very important to check whether you have traveled abroad a lot.
In particular,1 days or more in a yearOr1 months or more in one departurePlease check whether you have left Japan before applying.
If I am away from Japan, I will have to reset the relationship I have accumulated in Japan, so I will have to wait another 10 years.

However, special measures may be taken if entry is temporarily prohibited due to various international circumstances such as illness.
In that case, you may be subject to measures by applying to a designated institution, so it is best to apply immediately.

▼Are there any unpaid taxes?

Be sure to check if there are any unpaid taxes (resident tax, etc.).
This is because tax payment is obligatory in Japan and subject to examination as a national interest requirement.

In addition to resident tax, taxes include income tax, pension insurance premiums, and health insurance premiums.
The tax period is the same as income.Will be reviewed for 5 yearsTherefore, you must make payments without delay for 5 years.
Although the standards have not been clarified,As a general rule, when applying for permanent residence, if various taxes are delayed even by one day, permission will not be obtained.It has been with.
It will be judged whether the national interest, which is an important element of the requirements for permanent residence application, is satisfied.

▼ Were there any traffic violations or accidents?

Whether there have been any traffic violations or accidents is also an important point when applying for permanent residence.
Traffic violations are not subject to criminal penalties (imprisonment, imprisonment, fines) as part of administrative sanctions.
You might think that this will not affect the review of your permanent residence application, but a car is an important tool in your daily life.
Because it is something that people use on a regular basis, it is possible that they will not be recognized as having good conduct if they repeatedly violate or disturb public morals in their daily and social life.
It's natural to think about it from the fact that traffic violations and accidents cause various troubles to people around you.

However, the important point is that you have not repeatedly committed such traffic violations, so unless you have caused a very serious and intentional traffic violation or accident, it is unlikely that you will be in trouble at the time of application.


The documents required to apply for permanent residence differ depending on the status of residence you currently have.
In addition to the commonly required documents, you must prepare each for a work visa and a spouse visa.
When applying for permanent residence, be careful when collecting them.

Permanent residence application can be seen in detail at the time of examination.
If you have traveled abroad many times or been abroad for a long time, the period may have been reset.
In addition, you must obey taxes and traffic rules, and prove that you are not badly behaved.

When applying for permanent residence, please apply after paying attention to the details.

For questions regarding permanent residence application, please contact Climb
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