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How to get permanent residence (permanent residence visa)?When are the conditions relaxed?

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What is permanent residence?

Permanent residence means that a foreignerQualifications for permanent residence in Japan.
As the name implies, the right to be a permanent resident of Japan has the following benefits.

  • ● No work restrictions
  • ● No need to renew your visa
  • ● You can get almost the same rights as Japanese people
  • ● You can get a mortgage
  • ● Married people and children will have an advantage in staying in Japan

As you can see, there are many advantages to having permanent residency.
Therefore, many foreigners are working to seek permanent residence in the future.

Among them, permanent residenceEligibility for indefinite residenceTherefore, it will be much easier compared to the situation where you had to collect the necessary documents every time you renew your visa.
MoreoverNo work restrictionsTherefore, it is also attractive that you can get a job that you like.
If it is legal, you can work in the sex industry without any problems.

Also, if you live in Japan, many people will consider buying a home.
Housing requires a huge amount of money, including land.
Therefore, most people will take out a mortgage loan to purchase, but once they obtain permanent residence,Mortgage loan screening available.
In recent years, some banks have begun to appear that allow people to obtain home loans without permanent residency, but it is still not mainstream.
If you obtain permanent residency, you will be able to obtain a mortgage loan from several banks while comparing the prices, which will give you a wider range of options.

Also, if you were staying in Japan on a work visa, your family would need a "dependent visa," but if you have permanent resident status,Permanent resident visa” changed toNo work restrictions apply.
If you want to live in Japan for a long time with your family, getting a permanent residence will be a big first step because you will be able to apply for permanent residence.

Conditions for obtaining permanent residence

Permanent residence has many merits, but what kind of conditions are required to obtain it?
The Immigration Bureau of Japan has the following guidelines.

  • ● Good behavior
  • ● Have sufficient assets or skills to earn an independent livelihood
  • ● To be recognized as being in the interests of Japan
  • ● Continue to stay in Japan for 10 years or more (10 years or more with work or residence status out of 5 years)
  • ● No fines or imprisonment
  • ● Fulfilling tax obligations
  • ● You are residing in Japan for the longest period of stay under your current status of residence.
  • ● I don't have a plague

All of these must be met.
As an exception, spouses of Japanese or permanent residents and their children may not be asked about their livelihood and assets independent of their behavior.
Similarly, those who have been designated as refugees are excluded from their independent livelihoods and assets.

Basically, it is a condition that anyone can meet if they work seriously without committing a crime.
However, if any one of these conditions does not apply to you, it may be determined that you do not meet the conditions, so you will have to live your daily life in order to obtain permanent residence.

Documents required when applying for permanent residence

What kind of documents do I need to apply for permanent residence?

It depends on what kind of status of residence the foreigner who wants to apply has.
Please see the table for each.

 Working visa / family staySettlerSpouse and children of Japanese, permanent resident, special permanent resident
Permanent residence permit certificate必要必要必要
Photo (3 x 4 cm)必要必要必要
Reason book必要必要-
Documents to prove your identity必要必要必要
Resident's card for all households including the applicant必要必要必要
Certificate of profession of applicant or dependent of applicant必要必要必要
Income and tax proof of the most recent applicant or dependent必要必要必要
Proof of payment status of public pension and medical insurance of applicant or his dependents必要必要必要
Proof of assets of the applicant or his or her dependents必要必要-
Residence card必要必要必要
Identity Guarantee Documents必要必要必要
Items that can prove that you have contributed to Japananyany-
Document to prove your identity必要必要必要

Let's prepare these documents.
As you can see from the table, spouses and children of Japanese and permanent residents are exempt from some required documents.

If you apply for permanent residence, the examination period will start, but it will take about 4 months.
You may be asked for additional information, so be prepared and submit it immediately.

The table above is only a general guide to the documents to be submitted.
Therefore, this time we will dig a little deeper into cases where you have the following visas.

  • ● If you have a highly professional visa
  • ● If you have a Japanese (permanent resident) spouse visa

▼ If you have a highly skilled professional visa

When a person with a highly skilled professional visa applies for permanent residence, in addition to the regular permanent residence application,Key Pointsbecomes important.
Therefore, when applying for permanent residence,The minimum requirement is that this point exceeds the specified value..

In addition to this, the type of highly skilled professional visa is also important.
There are four types of highly skilled professionals:

  • ● Advanced Professional No. 1 (a): Advanced academic research activities
  • ● Advanced Diploma No. 1 (b): Advanced Diploma / Technical Activities
  • ● Advanced Professional No. 1 (c): Advanced management and management activities
  • ● Advanced Professional No. 2

The activities are divided as shown above, and points are allocated for each item according to the characteristics of the activity.
Therefore, keep in mind which advanced profession you are in before applying.

For your reference, possible duties by activity are listed below.

  • ● Advanced Professional No. 1 (a): Research or work that provides guidance and education to research
  • ● Advanced Professional No. 1 (b): Work with knowledge and skills related to natural science or own science
  • ● Advanced Professional No. 1 (c): Business management or management work
  • ● High-level profession No. 2: General employment activities with all of Lee Lo Ha

Of these, the visa for advanced professionals No. 2 is close to permanent residence because it is difficult to obtain and the period of stay is indefinite.
When applying for permanent residence, it is common to be confused between Highly Skilled Professional No. 2 and Permanent Residency.
Let's see how the relaxation of points is different in applying for permanent residence.

(XNUMX) Differences in mitigation content depending on points

In order to become the No. 1 highly skilled professional, the first point is70 points or moreIs required.
Therefore, those who currently hold a highly skilled professional visa will probably have 70 points or more.

Actually,By reaching 80 points, there are some things that will be slightly relaxed compared to 70 points..
It's like a privilege for those who worked hard to earn points.
That is the following mitigation.

[If you continue as a highly skilled professional for one year or more, you will be eligible for a permanent residence permit]
If you have 70 points or more, the period required to apply for permanent residence is 3 years or more.
HoweverIf it reaches 80 points or more, it will be shortened to 1 year or more.Therefore, it is easier to apply.

Anyone with 80 points or more can apply, so it is a good idea to try point calculation.

(XNUMX) Point calculation method

The points required to apply for permanent residence are listed on the website of the Immigration Bureau of Japan.
The types are divided into items as follows.

  • ● Educational background
  • ● Work history
  • ● Annual income
  • ● Age

In addition to these items, there are 14 "bonuses".

The number of points you can get is low, but if you accumulate enough points, if you can keep it as high as possible, getting 80 points or more is not a dream.
It is especially important to add up points using this "bonus" to compensate for points that cannot be helped by efforts such as age.

After thatHomepage of Immigration Bureau of JapanIf you apply it to the checklist in Excel, it will calculate it automatically.

▼ If you have a spouse visa for a Japanese citizen (permanent resident)

What about applying for permanent residence if you are a Japanese or a family member of a permanent resident and have a visa such as a spouse?

In conclusion, there are mitigation conditions for permanent residence applications.
Basically, the spouseIf you meet the special requirements, you do not need a period of stay of 10 years..
The following documents are required to receive relief:

  • ● Proof that you have been in Japan for over a year
  • ● Materials that have been married to a spouse for more than 3 years

Create and submit a statement of reasons for your permanent residence application along with these.
At this time, it is OK if a Japanese or a permanent resident prepares the identity guarantee.
Please note that you may be asked for additional documents, so please submit them quickly.

What are the cases where the conditions for applying for permanent residence are relaxed?

There are some cases in which the conditions for applying for permanent residence may be relaxed, such as if you have a highly skilled professional visa or a spouse visa as mentioned above.
Please refer to the following.

  • ● Spouse of Japanese, permanent resident, special permanent resident, etc.
  • ● Being a long-term resident
  • ● Received refugee status
  • ● Has contributed to Japan in the fields of diplomacy, society, economy, culture, etc., and has been in Japan for more than 5 years.
  • ● During the public and private period related to the regional revitalization plan, he has taken actions corresponding to the special activity notifications No. 36 and No. 37, has contributed to Japan, and has been in Japan for more than 3 years.
  • ● 70 points or more for highly specialized professionals
  • ● 80 points or more for highly specialized professionals

These are all“Residency of 10 years or more” will be shortened..
Application for permanent residenceIn principle, you must have lived in Japan for 10 years or more.Therefore, shortening the period can be said to be a major relief.

Please note that if you have a spouse visa, you cannot apply for permanent residence at the same time.
Please keep in mind that the decision will be made after obtaining a visa for your spouse, etc., and then looking at the status of residence and residence in Japan.


Permanent residence is the right for foreigners to live permanently in Japan, and acquiring it will bring great benefits.
There is no problem in living in Japan, but the reality is that the examination is strict.
Please note that the documents required at the time of application also differ depending on the type of visa.
Especially for highly-skilled professionals, a point summary table is required in addition to the documents.
If you score 80 points or more, you can get various benefits.
As with those who have a visa such as a spouse, it will be easier to apply for permanent residence, so aim for as high a point as possible.
Depending on the conditions, the requirements for permanent residence may be relaxed, so please be careful when applying.

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