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Conditions for establishing a registration support organization and how to establish it

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XNUMX. XNUMX.What is a registration support organization?

Registration support organizationIs the new status of residence established in April 2019.Specified skillsIt is an organization that is entrusted by a company that employs foreigners with a visa to provide all support to foreigners with specific skills based on the No. 1 Support Plan for Foreigners with Specific Skills.
The company or other organization to which the specific skilled foreign national is employed"Institution","Receiving organization"These registered support organizations are entrusted by the affiliated organizations (accepting organizations) to provide support services to specific skilled foreign nationals who belong to those affiliated organizations (accepting organizations).
The affiliated organization (accepting organization) is required to properly manage and support the specific skilled foreign nationals it employs, but in cases where the affiliated organization (accepting organization) is unable to in-house provide support in a foreign language regarding living and working conditions in Japan, the support work will be outsourced to a third-party registered support organization.
In order to be recognized as a registered support organization, it is necessary to have a system in place that allows for neutral and appropriate support.

2. How to establish a registration support organization

Now, we will explain what steps you need to take to establish a registered support organization and begin operations.

▼ Examination of whether the requirements for registration as a registered support organization are met

In order to be recognized as a registered support organization, it is necessary to have a system in place to provide support to foreigners with Specified Skilled Worker Status No. 1 in a neutral and fair manner. Specifically, the following requirements must be met:

  1. ① A support manager and support staff have been appointed.
  2. ② Applicable to any of the following
    • ・Individuals or organizations seeking to become registered support organizations have experience accepting mid- to long-term residents within the past two years.
    • ・Individuals or groups seeking to become registered support organizations have experience within the past two years in engaging in various consultation services related to foreigners as a business for the purpose of receiving remuneration.
    • ・The selected support staff has experience in providing life consultation services to mid- to long-term residents for more than two years in the past five years.

    In addition to the above, individuals or organizations seeking to become registered support organizations are recognized as being able to carry out support services appropriately to the same extent as the above.

  3. ③ Within one year, there has not been a disappearance of a specific skilled foreign national or technical intern trainee due to reasons attributable to the registration applicant.
  4. ④ The costs of support will not be borne directly or indirectly by the foreign national himself/herself.
  5. ⑤ You have not been penalized for violating criminal laws (such as immigration or labor laws) within the past five years.
  6. ⑥ Within the past five years, you have not engaged in any grossly unfair or inappropriate acts in relation to immigration or labor laws.

▼ Registration support organization registration procedure

① Apply for registration as a registration support organization
Once you have confirmed that you meet the above requirements, you will apply for registration at the Regional Immigration Bureau or Regional Immigration Bureau branch office (excluding airport branches) that has jurisdiction over your address.
Applications can be submitted in person at the office or by mail.
② Wait for the results of the review
After your application is accepted, you will receive notification of whether or not your application has been approved after a review period of usually about two months.
During this review period, you may be asked to submit additional documents as necessary during the individual, specific review process.
③ When you receive the permission notice
If the application is approved, the organization will be registered in the Registered Support Organization Register and the organization's name etc. will be published on the Immigration Services Agency's website.
The outsourced support work will commence from this registration date.
The registration period is five years, and the registration support organization must renew its registration every five years.

▼ Documents required when applying for registration

The minimum documents required at the stage of applying for registration to establish a registered support organization (① above) are as follows.

① Registration Support Organization Registration (Renewal) Application Form
Application forms for initial registration and renewal of registration for registered support organizations can be downloaded from the following page.
② Evidence
List of documents to be submitted and confirmation sheet for application for registration (renewal) of a registration support organization
The list of documents required to be submitted and the confirmation sheet for the application to establish a registered support organization are on the page below.
This table should be submitted along with the application form and attached documents after checking whether it is present or not in the "Submission confirmation" column.
Among the attached documents, copies of certificate of registered matters and resident registration certificates, etc. must be issued within the last three months, so you need to be careful about when collecting documents.
③ Fee payment slip
The fee payment slip to be attached when applying for registration (renewal) is on the following page.
If you are applying for a new registration, you must affix 28,400 yen in revenue stamps to this form before submitting it. If you are applying for a renewal of your registration, you must affix 11,100 yen in revenue stamps before submitting it.
④ Reply envelope
When applying, you will be notified of the results by mail, so please submit a standard-sized envelope with your address clearly written on it and a 404 yen stamp (for registered mail) affixed.

3. Content of the purpose to be stated in the articles of incorporation of the company that will become a registered support organization

If a company becomes a registered support organization,Articles of IncorporationIt is necessary to pay attention to the purpose written in the document. In the case of a corporation, the above-mentioned document of evidence includes a copy of the articles of incorporation.
Because a company or other legal entity has legal capacity within the scope of the purposes set out in its articles of incorporation, in order for a company to act as a registered support organization, this must be stated in the purposes of its articles of incorporation.
Due to the nature of a company's purpose, it can be interpreted broadly under the law, but a straightforward purpose statement in the case of operating as a registered support organization would be "support business for specified skilled foreign nationals as a registered support organization."


The number of foreign workers in Japan is expected to continue to increase in the future, and in April 2019, a new residence status, "Specified Skilled Worker," was created for 4 industries that are experiencing a labor shortage. Registered support organizations are organizations that provide support to foreigners with specified skills visas, and are expected to play an important role in Japan's future labor market for foreigners.
When registering to establish such a registered support organization, the details are still complicated, including whether the conditions are met, what preparations are necessary if applying, and what work will actually be done after registration.
Therefore, if you are a company or other entity considering applying for registration as a registered support organization and have any questions, we recommend that you consult with an expert to gain a clearer outlook.

Administrative scrivener corporation Climb is a registration support organization!

Climb Immigration Lawyer OfficeWe consult with companies and individuals who are considering applying to see if they meet the requirements to become a registered support organization, prepare application documents, and submit applications to the Immigration Bureau.
In addition, although they registered with a registration support organization, they said that they did not know what to do because they lacked knowledge about the specific skill system, let alone support.Services for registration support organizationsare also available, so please consider them as well.
In order to be able to provide the best support to foreigners who have chosen to work in Japan, we should provide support with solid knowledge to avoid situations such as illegal employment.

Registration support agency Registration application service

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