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What are the conditions for the support manager and support staff of the registration support organization?Can I serve concurrently?

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1. What is a "support manager" at a registered support organization?

▼ What is a Registration Support Manager? What does the job entail?

Entrusted to companies that accept foreigners with specific skills visas, the program implements specific skills support plans for specific skills foreigners.Registration support organizationIt is,Appoint a "support manager"There is a need.
The role of the support manager of a registered support organization is to oversee the creation of specific skills support plans and the progress of their implementation.

The specific contents are as follows:

[Role of the support manager of the registered support organization]
  • ・ Business related to the creation of No. 1 specific skill foreigner support plan
  • ・ Management work of staff engaged in support work such as support staff
  • ・ Checking the progress of support
  • ・ Business related to support notification
  • ・ Business related to the creation and storage of books related to the support status
  • ・ Business related to communication and coordination with the host organization
  • ・ Business related to liaison and coordination with the ministries and agencies in charge of the system, ministries and agencies in charge of business, and other related organizations
  • ・ Business related to all other matters necessary for support

▼What are the conditions and criteria for becoming a support manager at a registered support organization?

 First, the registration support organizationSupport managerThe person in charge of support must be an officer or employee of the registered support organization. However, full-time or part-time status is not required."At least one person must be appointed for each office that provides support services."Is required.

Next, in order to ensure the neutrality and appropriateness of the support, the following conditions must be met:Not applicableIs required.

[If any of the following apply, the neutrality and appropriateness of support cannot be ensured]
  • ・ A person who has a close relationship with the spouse of an officer of the accepting institution, a relative within the second degree of kinship, or any other officer of the accepting institution in social life.
  • ・ Persons who have been officers or employees of the host organization in the past 5 years
  • ・Those who fall under the grounds for refusal of registration (Article 19-26, Paragraph 1, Items 1 to 11 of the Immigration Control Act)

In other words, To ensure that support is provided appropriately and from a neutral standpointIn addition, the support manager must not have close personal or social ties with the officers of the supported company, must not have been subject to fines or other penalties for violating immigration or labor laws within the past five years, and must have had their rights reinstated if a decision was made to commence bankruptcy proceedings.

2. What is a "support officer" at a registered support organization?

▼ What is a support worker? What does he or she do?

The registration support organization has a different role from the support manager mentioned above."Support person"must also be selected.
The support manager will be responsible for overall management of support provided in accordance with the support plan for Type 1 specific skilled foreign nationals, while the support staff will be the person who implements that support.

The actual support provided to foreign nationals with specific skills is as follows:

[Support for specific skilled foreign nationals]
  • ・ Advance guidance before applying for a specific skill visa
  • ・ Pick-up and drop-off at the time of immigration
  • ・ Securing housing and supporting contracts necessary for living
  • ・ Life orientation
  • ・ Accompanying public procedures, etc.
  • ・ Providing opportunities for learning Japanese
  • ・ Responding to consultations and complaints
  • ・ Promotion of exchange with Japanese people
  • ・ Job change support (when dismissing a foreigner with a specific skill due to the circumstances of the accepting company)
  • ・ Regular interviews, reporting to the government when there is a violation

▼What are the conditions and criteria for becoming a support officer at a registered support organization?

Similar to support managers, support personnel must be officers or employees of a registered support organization and must meet certain conditions to ensure the neutrality and appropriateness of the support provided.
However, unlike the support manager,It is "preferable" that support staff be full-timeIt has been with.
そ し て,"At least one support staff member must be appointed for each office that provides support services."Is required.

3. When should the support manager and support staff of a registered support organization be appointed? Can they hold multiple positions?

▼ Timing of appointment

The appointment will be made "before" the specified skilled foreign nationals who are the recipients of the support apply for a specified skilled visa. will be important.
When applying for a visa, you will be required to submit a letter of appointment or other document as proof of your appointment.

▼ Can a support manager and a support staff member hold the same position?

A registered support organization can hold both the position of support manager and support officer.
However, in that case, you must be carefulThose who hold dual positions must meet the conditions for both the support manager and the support staff.It is a point.

Administrative scrivener corporation Climb is a registration support organization!

Climb Immigration Lawyer OfficeWe consult with companies and individuals who are considering applying to see if they meet the requirements to become a registered support organization, prepare application documents, and submit applications to the Immigration Bureau.
In addition, although they registered with a registration support organization, they said that they did not know what to do because they lacked knowledge about the specific skill system, let alone support.Services for registration support organizationsare also available, so please consider them as well.
In order to be able to provide the best support to foreigners who have chosen to work in Japan, we should provide support with solid knowledge to avoid situations such as illegal employment.

Registration support agency Registration application service

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