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What is required to update specific skills?Explanation of renewal period and cost

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Specific skills also need to update the period of stay

Newly available in 2019Specified skills.
Many companies are thinking about hiring foreigners.
However, since Specified Skilled Worker is a status of residence, it is necessary to renew the period of stay.
Renewal takes time and effort, so it must be done within a set period.

To do so, please keep the following three points in mind.

  • In principle, renewal is required every year
  • Applications can be made from 3 months before the expiration date
  • Even if the period of stay expires, you can stay legally if you are still applying.

I will explain in detail what each is.

▼ In principle, renewal is required every year

The status of residence for specific skills isIn principle, renewal is required every year.
This is mandatory and if you do not renew it you will lose your qualification.

There are 1 and 2 specific skills, but the renewal period is set as follows.

1 No.
Every 1 year, every 6 months, or every 4 months
2 No.
Either 3 years, 1 year or 6 months

These may seem short, but the period of stay will be extended with each renewal.
Therefore, the more you update, the easier it will be later.

In addition, procedures are becoming more and more online, and all updates can be done online, except for applying in advance at the Regional Residency Management Agency of the country of entry and exit.
Let's take advantage of it.

▼ You can apply from 3 months before the expiration date of your stay.

I understand that the status of residence for specific skills requires periodic renewal, but the major bottleneck isGathering required documents.
This takes a lot of time, so many foreigners and companies are reluctant to update.
Therefore, even if you prepare the documents when the period of stay is approaching, it will not be collected.
Especially documents explained in a foreign languageJapanese translationis required, so you need to calculate the amount of time backwards.
from these things,Application for renewal can be made from 3 months before the expiration dateHas become.
The review process can take some time, so it is best to act early.

▼ Even if the period of stay has passed, you can stay legally if you are still applying.

What you need to be careful about when renewing your specific skills isExamination period.
It will depend on a case by case basis, but approximately2 weeks to 3 monthIt will take a while.
Some foreigners may wonder what to do if the deadline comes during this time.

In conclusion, you can stay legally during that time.
this is"Special Period of Stay Systemis considered based onThe original status of residence is granted for two months as long as the procedure for renewal is completed.
Therefore, even if the specified skill period expires during the examination, you can remain in the country for two months as is.
Deliberately applying for renewal near the expiration date is not permitted, but if you are concerned, pleaseGood for 2 monthsLet's remember that.

Market price when requesting renewal application

A huge amount of documents are required to apply for renewal of specific skills.
Collecting them all by yourself can be daunting.
So you may have to ask someone else.
It is possible to request a renewal application, but the rate varies depending on the case.

From here, I will focus on the following two points and explain them in detail.

  1. XNUMX.Registration support organizations are not allowed to prepare application documents
  2. XNUMX.The cost may change depending on whether you are requesting the first application

XNUMX.Registration support organizations are not allowed to prepare application documents

One of the institutions related to specific skillsRegistration support organizationin XNUMX minutes by bus from Yonago Station.
If you request this registration support organization to handle all the renewal work, the cost will be included in the monthly support fee.
Therefore, the actual situation differs depending on the registration support organization.
Although this is a guideline, the amount will most likely be as follows:

When outsourcing all operationsInitial cost fromSupport fee
25 to 30 yen2 to 3 yen/month

If you keep an eye on the initial cost, it shouldn't be too much of a burden.
However, as a caveatRegistration support organizations cannot create all documents.
Please keep in mind that you can only receive support by submitting a set of completed application documents and receiving advice when creating them.

XNUMX.The cost may change depending on whether you requested the first application

When requesting a registration support organization, what you should pay attention to is"How far did you go through the process?".
If you are in the middle of the procedure and you don't understand it, you may ask for it.
In that case, the cost will often change because the work will be handed over from the middle.

For example, if you have already created the application form, the amount of remaining work will be reduced compared to when you complete it all, so you may be able to reduce costs.
On the other hand, if you request all work, the price will be for the full package.

As you can see, the cost will vary depending on at what stage you request the application.
Please be careful when making requests.

Documents required for renewal

There are various documents required to update specific skills.
None of them should be collected only by the company or the applicant, but both must collect.

From here, we will explain the documents required for both companies and foreigners.

  • XNUMX.Documents received by the company
  • 2. Documents received by foreigners

XNUMX.Companies: tax payment certificates, resident cards, etc.

The required documents differ depending on the field and business of the company, but the following documents are required in most fields.

  • ● Specified Skills Affiliation Organization Outline
  • ● Registration certificate
  • ● A copy of the certificate of residence for matters approved for business execution
  • ● Written oath regarding officers of specific skilled workers
  • ● Copy of social insurance premium payment answer sheet or health insurance/employee pension insurance premium receipt
  • ● Certificate of tax payment issued by the tax office (3)
  • ● Tax payment certificate issued by the municipality for corporate inhabitant tax
  • ● Instructions on legally compulsory procurement
  • ● Certificate of being a member of the Council
  • ● Copy of Labor Insurance Calculation Outline/Increase Estimate/Confirmed Insurance Premium Report (Employer's Copy) and Copy of Receipt Corresponding to the Report
  • ● A copy of the notice of payment of labor insurance premiums for two years issued by the labor insurance affairs association and a copy of the receipt corresponding to the notice

You must collect these.
Some of these can be omitted from the second update onwards, so it's a good idea to check in advance.

XNUMX.Foreigner: taxation/tax payment certificate or withholding certificate

There are not many application documents for foreigners with specific skills compared to companies.

  1. 1. Taxation certificate for resident personal tax
  2. 2. Resident tax payment certificate
  3. 3. Copy of income tax withholding slip
  4. 4. Copy of National Health Insurance card
  5. 5. Certificate of payment of National Health Insurance premium
  6. 6. Copy of National Pension Insurance premium receipt or applicant's insured record introduction
  7. 7. List of documents to be submitted regarding various residence applications for specified skilled foreigners
  8. 8. Application for extension of period of stay
  9. 9. Remuneration manual for specific skilled foreigners

*If you have submitted 1 to 6 of these in your residence application within the past year, you do not need to submit them again.

Be careful when updating.Cases of non-renewal are increasing.

When renewing a specific skill, do not rest assured until you are officially licensed.
In recent yearsCases of renewal denial are increasing.So, don't let your guard down until the end.

The following points are particularly likely to be rejected:

  • ● Pay special attention when there is a change in salary
  • ● Joining the association that tends to be forgotten
  • ● Payment status after obtaining a visa for foreigners who have unpaid pensions, etc.

By being aware of these, you can reduce the possibility of disapproval.
Let's take a closer look at each.

▼ Be especially careful if there is a change in salary amount.

Of course, the Labor Standards Act also applies to foreigners with specific skills.
Therefore, do not imitate to work for cheap wages.
Since I am working in Japan,Same conditions as Japanese peopleIt is important to make it work.
Let's protect the minimum wage, of course, and protect the benefits and paid holidays.

Also, employees must not work more than 1 hours a day.
There have been cases in the past where renewals were disapproved due to overtime, so it is necessary to always pay attention to working hours.
Currently, companies that are doing a lot of overtime may want to review their operations in the wake of hiring foreigners.

When renewing your status of residence, we will always check what kind of wages you are working with, so be careful.

▼ Joining a council that is often forgotten

When hiring foreigners with specific skills, it is easy to forgetCounciljoining the.
This is mandatory in all areas of acceptance.
In the first place, the role of the council is to create an environment that makes it easy for foreigners to work, such as resolving the labor shortage and conducting surveys on the host organization.
Therefore, if you do not join as a host company, you will not be approved at the time of application.

To join the council,Within 4 months after a foreigner acquires a specific skill qualification.
You do not need to apply for membership from the second person onwards, so you need to apply for membership only for the first person.
Please feel free to join us as there is no cost except for the construction field.
In addition, since enrollment can be easily done online, there is no need to go to the designated institution.

▼ Payment status after obtaining a visa for foreigners who have unpaid pensions, etc.

Pension payments, which even Japanese people tend to forget, are strictly checked when foreigners acquire or renew their status of residence.
There is no problem if payment is made within the payment deadline, but if there is non-payment, the risk of disapproval at the time of examination may increase.
Therefore, it is better to always check the payment status after acquiring specific skills.
In the worst case, you may have to return to your home country without being able to renew.
Unpaid taxes are checked much more strictly than in Japan. Please be careful.


The status of residence for specific skills also needs to be updated.
The cycle is different for No. 1 and No. 2, but there is no change in the fact that periodic renewal applications are required.
Applications can be made from 3 months before the expiration date, so we recommend that you act early so that you do not run out of time.
Even if the deadline has passed, it is possible to stay legally as long as the application is in progress.

If you request an application for renewal of a specific skill, you will be an administrative scrivener or a lawyer.
If you request a registration support organization, you cannot create the documents, so be careful that you have to create everything yourself.
There are so many documents that companies and foreigners should collect.
Please be careful not to resubmit by mistake.

For inquiries regarding specific skills, please contact Climb!
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