About My Number System


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About My Number System

About My Number System

The system began operation in January 2016, and My Number cards have been distributed to all citizens since October 1.
The My Number will be used in three areas: social security, taxes, and disaster prevention, and will be used for a variety of procedures.
All corporations and sole proprietors that employ employees are required to collect and manage the My Number of their employees and their families.
Of course, this system also applies to mid- to long-term residents, permanent residents, and special permanent residents.


What is the My Number system in the first place?

Notification of My Number began in October 2015, but what exactly is the My Number system and why is it necessary?

What is the My Number System? This is the name of the system that Japan introduced in fiscal year 2016.
The idea is to assign an individual identification number to every citizen, and based on that number all social security, personal information management, and administrative procedures will be carried out.

The My Number will be used primarily in the following three areas:

  • ·social security
  • ·tax
  • Disaster compensation

The introduction of the My Number system will enable government agencies to reduce the effort and cost involved in verifying documents.
Until now, people applying for social security benefits had to prepare application documents, but the My Number system will allow applicants to apply to government agencies without attaching any documents.

Notification card and personal number card

From October 2015, notification cards informing everyone of their Individual Number will be distributed, and from January 10, Individual Number Cards, which can be used for a variety of purposes, will be issued upon application.
*The method of notifying people of their My Number has changed from 2 to the "Individual Number Notification Card."

Notification card
The notification card will be a paper card with your name, address, date of birth, gender (four basic pieces of information) and your My Number printed on it, and will be sent to you by registered mail.
A notification card will be sent to everyone, but since it does not include a photo, you will need to provide a separate document with a photo on it to verify your identity.
Personal Identification Number Card
The My Number Card will list the person's name, address, date of birth, gender, My Number, etc. on its front, and will also display the person's photo.
If you apply to your city, town or village after receiving your My Number on the notification card, you will be able to receive a My Number card from January 2016 onwards.
The Individual Number Card can be used as an identification card to verify your identity, and the electronic certificate embedded in the IC chip on the card can be used to make various electronic applications, including e-Tax (the national tax electronic filing and payment system), and can also be used for services stipulated by local governments in their ordinances, such as library cards and personal seal registration cards for your local government.
The IC chip installed in the Individual Number Card records the information written on the card as well as an electronic certificate for electronic applications, but does not record sensitive personal information such as income information or medical history. Therefore, all personal information cannot be determined from a single Individual Number Card. (Reference: Cabinet Secretariat)

Corporate number

Just as each individual is given a number, each corporation is given a corporate number.
Like individual numbers, corporate numbers will be issued one after another from October 2015, and from January 10, you will be required to include them when submitting tax returns, payment statements, and social security-related returns.
The corporate number is used in a variety of situations, such as payment statements, tax withholding slips, licensing documents, and social insurance-related documents.

What business companies have to do

  1. Maintenance of number management system
  2. Collection of number of employees and their dependents, officers, part-time jobs and part
  3. Notification of personal number by tax return · employment insurance · National Health Insurance

As mentioned above, the number of tasks that will have to be done under the My Number system will increase in the future, but in the long run, the work will become easier, so please do not be lazy.
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