Kanto area
Company Name | Visa application / Naturalization application NAVI Climb Immigration Lawyer Office (Former Administrative Scrivener Client Partners Legal Affairs Office) |
Head office location | 〒169-0075 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1-chome 17-16 Star Plaza Takadanobaba 8F |
Tel | 03-5937-6960 |
FAX | 03-5937-6961 |
info@gh-climb.jp | |
Opening hours | Weekdays 9 hours to 19 hours |
Closing days | Weekends and holidays |
Representative | Takashi Moriyama |
Corporate lawyer | Law firm Arcien |
Advisor Delegate | Shibuya Social Insurance Labor Office |
Accountant / tax accountant | Shoichi Kitajima CPA / Tax Accountant Office |
Establishment | July 2011 |
Kanagawa area
Office name | Administrative scrivener Keisuke Kobayashi Office |
Location | 〒252-0804 Kanagawa Fujisawa city Shonandai 1-12-7 Casa Shonandai 702 |
Office phone | 050-5278-4542 |
Mobile phone | 080-3205-6039 |
info@keisukekobayashi.biz | |
Opening hours | Weekdays 8 hours to 21 hours |
Closing days | Weekends and holidays |
Representative | Keisuke Kobayashi |
Affiliation | Kanagawa Prefecture Administrative Scrivener Association Shonan Branch |
Main business | Establishment of immigration service corporation Various license application Website creation · marketing · consulting |
Taiwanese corporation
Company Name | Visa application / naturalization application NAVI Taiwan corporation (Administrative scrivener corporation Climb) |
Location | 235 Xin Kita City Nakaiza Sencha Masamichi 551 之 1 號 |
kaixing1122kokusai@gmail.com | |
Representative | Representative Director Yuichi Kawamura |
Establishment | 2013 December 4 |
A liar | Michelle |
Unified edition number |