About administrative scrivener

Administrative scrivener is a legal specialist who conducts administrative services closely related to people's lives with national qualification specializing in law.
Administrative scrivener can also be responsible for preparing documents, submitting documents, and consultation work on document preparation.
Furthermore, we do not only apply for licensing and approval but also engage in accounting work of the company, as a specialist of preventive legal affairs, we will advise with a legal perspective to prevent problems.

What is Preventive Legal Affairs

It is to take measures to prevent legal risks that can be predicted in the future.
For example, you can prevent conflicts of labor relations that resulted from inadequacies in documents by including them in advance in the document when preparing the contract.

Obligation of confidentiality

Consultation and advice, which is one of administrative scrivener's work, needs to open our hearts and talk to our customers.
We can not send appropriate advice unless we understand your problems and their causes accurately. For that reason, we try to hear carefully at our office.

Administrative scrivener has "administrative scrivener ethics" established, and prohibition of confidentiality obligation and promotion of illegal act etc. is stipulated.
Since the contents of consultation / request are protected by the obligation of keeping confidentiality, please consult with confidence.

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