About visa application for specific skill | Climb, administrative scrivener corporation of specific skill registration support organization

Employment of foreigners

Climb, an administrative scrivener corporation, supports the application of specific skills!

Contact Climb for consultation on specific skills

"What specific skills are they, what kind of visa?" "Can we use foreign workers at our company?"

Newly established status of residence from April 2019"Specific skills". It is expected to accept 5 foreign workers in five years, and is attracting attention from industries facing labor shortages.
To use a specific skill, specify it in a specific skill standards ministerial ordinanceSpecific industrial fieldmust beagain,Foreigners clear the Japanese level and technical standardsIt is a condition that
Here, an administrative scrivener with an extensive 1,000 visa support experience will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of the status of residence for a particular skill.

What is a specific skill? The purpose of the new work visa is to eliminate labor shortages

Status of residence for specific skills is one of the newly created work visas.
It was made to cope with the serious labor shortage in Japan where the declining birthrate and aging population progressed.
Unlike previous work visas, the scope of occupations has been expanded, and"test"Expertise/skillsBy measuring this, we are relaxing the application conditions.
As a result, it is possible to accept foreigners who have a certain level of expertise and are ready to fight.
SMEs and small businesses who are in need of human resources can easily hire foreigners by utilizing specific skills.

What is the target industry for specific skills? Introduce a list of 14 specific industries

Specific Skilled Foreigner

Industries that can use specific skills are limited to 14 types.
The target industries called specific industries are summarized below.

FieldExpected number of people for 5 yearJurisdictional authority
Nursing care60,000Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Building cleaning Management37,000
Material processing industry21,500Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Industrial machinery manufacturing industry5,250
Electrical and electronic information related industries4,700
construction40,000Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Shipbuilding and shipbuilding industry13,000
Car maintenance7,000
宿 泊22,000
Agriculture:36,500Ministry of Agriculture
Manufacture of food and beverages34,000
Restaurant business53,000

<Source: Ministry of Justice Brochure for host organization>

One of the characteristics of specific skills isGraduates of Technical Intern Training No. 2 can apply for a specific skill status of residence without taking an examIt is a point.
Rather than the traditional technical intern training framework,Allows the foreigner to work in Japan for a longer period of time.

In addition, Accommodation and restaurant businessEmployment opportunities for foreigners have been expanded in the field of
In the past, it was common to hire a highly skilled cook with a status of residence in skills, or to hire a foreigner for study abroad or a family stay as a whole staff member.
In the future, foreign workers with specific skills are expected to work in these fields as well.

Conditions of specific skills and differences in other working visas | Education, work experience, Japanese language ability and length of stay

We introduce the contents of the status of residence for specific skills.
In order to make it easy to understand, we compared with “skills” and “technology / humanistic knowledge / international operations” which have many applications for other work visas.

 Specified skillsskillTechnology · Humanities · International work
Specific Skill 1Specific Skill 2
Educational History---必要
Career history--必要必要
Japanese abilityJapanese language proficiency test---
Length of stayMaximum 5 yearsNo limitNo limitNo limit
Family beltImproperPossiblePossiblePossible
Target industry 14 field of specific industry fieldOnly two types: “Construction” and “Shipbuilding/Ship Industry”Job types with high technology that can not be replaced by Japanese people, such as foreign food cooks and precious metal processing craftsmen Jobs that require specialized knowledge such as accounting, engineering, marketing, and interpreting

Specific skills1 No.2 No.It is divided into.
Neither education nor work experience is required.However, the specific skill No. 1Must pass the Japanese Language Proficiency and Technical Level Test.
The content of the exam is defined for each specific industry field.

In addition, it is only the specific skill 2019 that the acceptance started from 4 month 1 month.
Acceptance of the specific skills 2 is planned in the future, with a view to utilizing existing exams within the 19 fiscal year.


The difference between skills training and specific skills is the method of purpose and acceptance

Specific skills are similar to the skills training system in that they are not required to have academic background or career and accept foreigners by so-called simple labor.
However, there is a big difference between the purpose of the system and the acceptance system.

 Skills training systemSpecified skills
the purposeInternational contributionLabor shortage eliminated
From overseasuseUse sending organizationDepends on the country
From within JapanuseImproper Possible
Existence of an intermediarySupervisory bodyNone
Employment in dispatch formImproperOnly "Agriculture" "Fishery" possible
Career changeImproper Possible

We will introduce in detail below how specific skills differ.

▼ There are cases where a local sending organization is not necessary when recruiting from overseas.

If you want to bring in foreigners of a specific skill from overseas, there are ways to use referrals from local trading companies or to work with sending organizations.

In the technical training, in principle, it was necessary to cooperate with overseas sending organizations in the “group supervision type” used by companies of 9 or more.
However, in the system of specific skillsResponse varies depending on the country of transaction.
For example, the Japanese government has stipulated that in order to attract foreign nationals of specific skills directly from Cambodia, they should always use local sending agencies. (*)
We have created a bilateral agreement with the XNUM countries that will conduct the following Japanese language exams, and stipulate the sending agency.

  1. 1. Vietnam
  2. 2. Philippines
  3. 3. Cambodia
  4. 4. China
  5. 5. Indonesia
  6. 6. Thailand
  7. XNUM. Myanmar
  8. XNUM. Nepal
  9. 9. Mongolia

When accepting specific skilled foreigners from abroad, please check the regulations with the trading country.
In addition, foreigners of nationalities other than those in the above 9 countries can also obtain status of residence for specific skills if the conditions are met.


▼For specific skills, foreigners can be hired in Japan

For technical internships accepted only from overseas, specific skillsForeigners staying in Japan can also use.
For this reason, international students who have graduated from school with specific skillsuseIt is also possible.
In addition, foreigners who have completed skill training No. 2 can apply for specific skills without returning to their home country. Foreignerusecan be performed more smoothly.

▼ In principle, the existence of intermediaries such as supervising organizations is unnecessary

In the technical internship system, the existence of a supervisory group that acts as an intermediary is indispensable in the "group supervisory type" used by companies of 9 or more.
The supervising group cooperates with the sending organization overseas, accepts foreigners and gives necessary training, and then dispatches them to the company / group in the training destination.

However, in the system of specific skills, suchIn principle, there is no intermediary.
When accepting from overseas, even when using a sending agency, it is assumed that the company / organization that is the receiving agency will directly exchange information.
Of course, hiring in Japan is not a necessity for the intermediary.
Foreigners with specific skillsRecruitmentIf hired by a company,License for employment placement businessPlease use companies and organizations that have received

▼ Specific skills are basically directly employed, temporary employment is only possible in “agriculture” and “fishing”

Specific skills are the same as technical training, and an employment contract is signed with a foreigner.
However,"Agriculture" and "Fishery"only, assuming that the amount of work fluctuates greatly between seasonsTemporary employment is permitted.
To that end, the company / organization that will be the dispatch sourcebelong to the same specific industryThere is a need.
Staffing agencies for foreigners can not always be the dispatch source for certain skilled foreigners.

Q&A regarding the acceptance system for foreign personnel
 Q92 above "Are you not accepting foreigners with specified skills from countries that do not create bilateral arrangements?"
Points to note regarding acceptance of foreign workers with specified skills

▼ The specific skill residence status allows you to change jobs in the same field.

Status of residence for specific skills is within the scope of specified workPossible to change jobs.
For example, "Nursing care”If you acquire specific skills in the field ofNursing careYou can change to a job that is engaged in the job of.
However, if multiple business divisions are set up in one field, such as “construction” or “shipbuilding / shipbuilding industry”, it is necessary to pass the technical test specified in each business division.

Basic Flow of Accepting Foreigners of Specific Skills XNUM in a Company

2019 Year We introduce the flow of accepting foreigners of specific skill 4 from companies starting from 1 month.
The chart below shows the acceptance of foreigners in Japan and foreigners in Japan as 2.

Specific skills employment contract

<Source:Leaflet for Ministry of Justice Hosting Organization>

At this time, the important thing is the following XNUM X institutions.

[Accepting institution (= institution to which specific skill belongs)]
Companies and organizations that directly contract with foreigners
[Registration support agency]
on behalf of the receiving institution,Support planOrganization that creates and implements

We will explain each role in detail.

▼ Three roles that the accepting organization (specified skill affiliated organization) should play

Host organizationIsCompanies and organizations that employ foreigners with specific skillsThat's what I mean.Also known as a specific skill organization.
The role that the host organization should play is roughly divided into 3.

  • ● Conclude a direct employment contract with a foreigner
  • Support planCreate and implement
  • ● Submit various notifications after starting work

Employment contract should be protected by XNUM X points: working hours, salaries, social insurance, paid

Please observe the following 4 points when making employment contracts with foreigners of specific skills.

● Working hours
Only full-time positions are allowed. Working weekly for 5 days, 30 hours or more is a standard for working hours.
● Salary level
The salary level must be equal to or higher than Japanese who have the same work content.
● Social insurance, workers' compensation, and other benefits
The same standards as Japanese apply for social insurance etc. Other benefits should not be discriminatory because they are foreigners.
● Paid acquisition
When foreigners wish to return home temporarily, we will get the necessary paid.

Even if you have already consumed all annual paid leave, we will take care to obtain additional paid and unpaid leave if we have a temporary return offer.

What is the content of the support plan to be implemented for specific skills 1 foreigners?

When hiring a foreigner with specific skill No. 1, the accepting organization isSupport planMust be created and implemented.
Support planIs to provide and support the work and life information necessary for foreigners to work and live in Japan.
Specifically, the following items are included.

■ Example of contents of registration support
  • • Prior guidance
  • • Airport transfer at entry and exit
  • • Support for securing appropriate housing
  • • Life orientation during the stay
  • • Support for Japanese language acquisition
  • • Responding to an offer from a foreigner
  • • Promotion of interaction with Japanese people
  • • Support for job change in contract cancellation for which foreigners are not responsible
  • • Regular interviews

When applying for status of residence, go to the Regional Immigration BureauNo. XNUMX Specified Foreigner Support Planmust be submitted.
theseSupport planIs an obligation of the accepting company.

The registration support plan can be entrusted to a registration support organization

A company that accepts foreigners with specific skills,Registration support planIf it is difficult to create / implementRegistration support organizationCan be entrusted to.
Registration support organizationIs a notification system.

Registration support organization

Registration support organizationIn order to become, there are past record of acceptance of foreigners, experience of engaging in various consultation services regarding foreigners, and some registration requirements are set.

Registration requirements

<Source:Ministry of Justice  Registration support organizationLeaflet for>

CertifiedRegistration support organizationWill be published on the Immigration Bureau's website.

XNUM X notifications that companies should submit after work starts

After accepting foreigners with specific skills, companies regularly submit the following 3 notifications to the Regional Immigration and Arrival Bureau.

  1. Notification form pertaining to acceptance status XNUM.template
  2. Notification form pertaining to 2.template
  3. Notification form pertaining to activity status XNUM.template

Ministry of Justice siteYou can download the reference template.

CompanySupport planThe implementation of Registration support organizationIf you outsource to, you do not need to report 2.
If the receiving organization fails to make the necessary notifications,fall under fraudAnd againsubject to penaltiesAnd,There is a possibility that we will not be able to accept foreigners in the future.Therefore, please be sure to submit a notification.

Summary: Let's use specified skills and regulations that can be used by foreigners

The status of residence of certain skills available in certain industry sectors of the 14 type has expanded the employment opportunities for foreigners in the enterprise.
Foreigners who have stayed in technical training can not only work longer in Japan, but even in cases where it has been difficult to obtain a work visa, it is possible to work in Japan using specific skills.
When accepting specific skilled foreigners, please comply with the obligations required of the receiving organization.
Not only the salary level and treatment of direct employment but also smoothSupport planImplementation of will lead to smooth acceptance.


Contact Climb for consultation on specific skills

Climb Immigration Lawyer Officeprovides support for obtaining a new status of residence.If you are a company that wants to hire foreigners with specific skills, but is unsure about the procedures, please feel free to contact us.

Click here for consultations and inquiries

List of specific skill costs

Visa application fee
Service plan1 people2 to 5 people

Specified skills


Certification application132,000JPY104,500JPY
Change application132,000JPY104,500JPY
Renewal application132,000JPY104,500JPY
Renewal application
(Applied with Climb)

▼ Package contents (common)

  • ・Application agency
  • ・Application check
  • ・Free re-application
  • ・Preparation of application documents

▼ Option

Collection of necessary information (only those that can be obtained by proxy)

Certification / changeNEW
Company: 33,000 (1 office)
Individual: 11,000 (per person)
Company: 22,000 (1 office)
Individual: 11,000 (per person)

▼ For 6 people or more

of peopleCertification / change / renewalNEW(Applied with Climb)
6 to 10 people99,000JPY60,000JPY
11 to 15 people93,500JPY56,000JPY
16 to 20 people88,000JPY55,000JPY(The same amount below)
21 to 25 people82,500JPY55,000JPY
26 to 30 people71,500JPY55,000JPY
31 to 35 people66,000JPY55,000JPY
36 to 40 people60,500JPY55,000JPY
41~ name55,000JPY55,000JPY

▼ Acting for various procedures

[Construction] Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Permission application procedure agency
【Philippines】 MWO (formerly POLO)
Application procedure agency
Recommended person list
Application procedure agency
Only application for recommender list11,000JPY
Visa application and set5,500JPY

Supplementary information about service plans

  • The amount will be the cost per person.
  • Separately, "support plan formulation assistance fee" 55,000 yen (tax included)
  • You must have an interview in order to take on the job.
    If you visit us from here, you will need to pay a separate transportation fee and daily allowance.
  • If it is less than 2 weeks from the request (when the necessary documents are ready) to the expiration date, an additional fee will be charged.
    Urgent charge: 33,000 yen (tax included: additional to the basic charge, not eligible for half-price refund)
  • If you specify an application date other than our immigration application date, a separate fee will be charged.
    Application other than the designated date: 22,000 yen (tax included: added to the basic charge)

[About daily allowance] * Tax-included amount
Calculated based on the time from our office to the destination using a yahoo map
(Calculations do not use pay trains, pay trains may be used if the conventional line exceeds 1 hour)
Within 30 minutes/5,500 yen Over 30 minutes up to 1 hour/11,000 yen Over 1 hour up to 2 hours/22,000 yen
After that every 15 minutes plus 1,650 yen

[Half-price refund or free re-application rules]

If the reason for disapproval falls under any of the following,Half-price refund and free re-application are not applicable.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • If you hide the facts that are disadvantageous to us
  • If the application content is false
  • When the documents related to the application are forged
  • If you have committed a crime or traffic violation in the past, or if you have committed a crime or traffic violation while applying
  • If your income drops significantly during your application and it becomes difficult to meet your requirements
  • If you are unable to answer the questions required for the application and submit or collect the required documents
  • If you do not cooperate with the instructions of the Immigration Bureau of Japan
  • If the application is withdrawn for personal reasons before the examination result is available

Climb, an administrative scrivener corporation, supports the application of specific skills!

Contact Climb for consultation on specific skills

9: 00 ~ 19: 00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Accepting 365 hours a day, 24 days a year

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