How to accept specific skills! Explain the flow of foreigner recruitment and the points to be noted [Introduction guide]

Employment of foreigners with specific skills


This new status of residence was created as a measure to resolve the labor shortage in an industry that is experiencing a significant labor shortage due to the declining birthrate."Specific skills".
Operation started from 2019 Month of 4, and at the end of 4, the first accredited person who was transferred from technical intern was born.
In Japan, specific skill evaluation examinations in the lodging and restaurant sector have begun, and the actual situation has gradually been clarified.
On the other hand, I have also heard that they do not know how to accept foreigners using specific skill visas.
This time, for those in charge of such a company, I will explain the flow of acceptance and the points to be noted.
Please use this information as a reference when considering hiring with a specific skills residence status.

What is the status of residence for a specific skill? New Work Visa to Eliminate Industry Manpower Shortage

Specific skills are the new status of residence created in 2019 and 4 months.

It is a visa (status of residence) that allows foreigners to work in Japan, and the conditions required for foreign human resources are lenient compared to other working statuses of residence.
Foreign human resources who want to use specific skills are required to pass the designated Japanese Language Proficiency Test and Skills Evaluation Test, but unlike other statuses of residence, they are not required to have educational background or work experience.
Therefore, it was founded on the assumption that more foreign human resources will be able to work in Japan.

Companies (accepting organizations) that can use the status of residence for specific skills are designated14 industrial sectorsmust belong to
In addition, the scope of work that can be engaged is also fixed.

Many people think that specific skills are a version of other employment-related residence statuses with lower hurdles to apply for, butNot every job can use a specific skill visa.
Specific skills are classified into 1 and 2, and there is a difference in the number of years of stay and the available industry fields.

Currently, only two types of "construction" and "shipbuilding / ship industry" can accept Specific Skill No. 2 with no fixed length of stay.
In addition, in order to obtain Specified Skilled Worker No. 2, it is necessary to complete the 1 years of Specified Skilled Worker No. 5, so there are no foreigners who have obtained Specified Skilled Worker No. 2 yet. (As of September 2021)

This time, with the acceptance of Specific Skill No. 1 in mind, the flow and precautions will be explained below.

5 Steps to Accept Foreign Human Resources with Specific Skills

In order for a company to accept foreign human resources with a status of residence of a specific skill, the following five steps are required.

  1. Step 1: Are industry and work content in the condition of specific skills?
  2. Step 2: Consider recruiting foreign talent either abroad or domestically
  3. Step 3: Have you passed the specific skill evaluation test and the Japanese language proficiency test?
  4. Step ④: Do you meet the employment conditions required by the host organization?
  5. Step ⑤: Confirm the implementation and timing of the support plan for Specific Skill No. 1.

The following explains each content in detail.

XNUM X steps

[Step XNUMX] Do the industrial fields and business contents meet the conditions of specific skills?

The status of residence for a particular skill can not be used for any job.
The host company belongs to the industry designated by the Ministry of Justice, and only foreigners engaged in the designated scope of business can apply.
Therefore, first, let's check if the company falls under the designated industry field.
After that, it is necessary to check whether the job content of the job type you are considering employment is that you can use a specific skill visa.

[1 industrial fields that can accept Specified Skilled Worker No. 14]

FieldExpected number of people for 5 yearJurisdictional authority
Nursing care60,000Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Building cleaning Management37,000
Material processing industry21,500Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Industrial machinery manufacturing industry5,250
Electrical and electronic information related industries4,700
construction40,000Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Shipbuilding and shipbuilding industry13,000
Car maintenance7,000
宿 泊22,000
Agriculture:36,500Ministry of Agriculture
Manufacture of food and beverages34,000
Restaurant business53,000

<Source:Brochure for host organization>

For example, in the field of the restaurant business, in addition to restaurants and coffee shops, restaurants that operate take-out and delivery food service businesses are also covered (retail of bento boxes that are made does not fall under the restaurant business).
However, "entertainment food and drink business", which corresponds to customs business Nos. 1 to 3,So-called cabarets and girl's bars are not eligible for specific skill visas.
In addition, love hotels and capsule hotels are not covered in the accommodation industry, which covers accommodation facilities such as inns and hotels.
If you do not properly check the conditions and business contents of the company approved by the specific industrial field, it may be found that you were not eligible after applying.
Although the visa (status of residence) application itself was actually approved, there are many cases where the period of stay cannot be renewed because it does not correspond to the field of application.

Recruitment of foreign personnel takes time, such as preparation of required documents.

  • ・ Is the host organization itself subject to specific skills?
  • ・ Is the content of the work to be engaged in approved?

Please check these two points properly.

<Reference> Please also see the following for details and business contents of the industrial field.

"Utilization of specific skill visas in the restaurant industry-commenting on application requirements, exam outline, and employment points"
"[Specific skills] How do you hire foreigners in the hotel business? Comment on visa requirements and exam content"

[Step XNUMX] Consider hiring foreign human resources either overseas or domestically

The next thing to consider is whether to hire foreign personnel to be hired from overseas or domestically.
The status of residence for a particular skill can be used in either case, whether you are calling from abroad or recruiting foreigners who are already in the country.

▼ Cases expected when hiring foreigners with specific skills from Japan

Foreigners who are already staying in Japan with other status of residence are eligible, so the following visa holders are assumed.

  • ● Study abroad
  • ● Family stay
  • ● Technical intern training
  • ● Technology / Humanities / International Business
■ Case of studying abroad

You can come to Japan as a foreign student and apply for a status of residence for specific skills when foreigners who graduated from school get a job.
For international students, school enrollment status (attendance rate, grades, excessive part-time work, etc.) is an important factor in applying for status of residence, so it is advisable to check this area before making an offer.
Since the examination of study abroad tends to be strict even in the status of residence, it may not be possible to change to a specific skill depending on the status of residence at the time of study abroad.

■ Case of family stay

I am a family member (spouse and children) of a foreigner residing in Japan with an employment status.
You can use the Specified Skilled Worker status of residence when hiring international students or foreign employees on dependent visas who were working part-time for 28 hours a week to full-time employment.

■ Case of skill training

The transition from technical intern training is expected to be the largest number of applicants.
Those who have completed Technical Intern Training No. 2 are exempt from the Japanese Language Proficiency Test if they acquire specific skills in a field different from the field they are engaged in during the technical intern training without passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Skill Evaluation Test. You need to pass the skill evaluation test) You can apply for Specific Skill No. 1.

Skills training involves many tasks related to the task content of a specific skill.
If you are an 2 graduate student, the upper limit of the period you can stay even if you move to 3 is 2.
However, if you acquire a specific skill 1, you will be able to stay up to 5 years.
For companies, it can be said that the advantage is that they can continue to employ human resources who have grasped the work content.

For details on the occupations to be transferred to Technical Intern Training No. 2, please refer to the materials of the Ministry of Justice (P.28 Relationship between the occupations to be transferred to Technical Intern Training No. 2 and the field in Specific Skill No. 1).

■ Cases of technology, humanities knowledge, and international operations

This is the most popular employment status of residence.
There is no upper limit to the length of stay, but since the main target is white-collar work and on-site work such as specific skills is not possible, changes from technology, humanities knowledge, and international work are expected to some extent. increase.

 ▼ Cases expected when hiring foreigners with specific skills from overseas

In the technical internship system, companies that already have a relationship with a local sending organization, or have a local corporation, are also expected to employ foreigners with status of residence of specific skills from abroad.
At that time, let's check the regulations of the country whether to intervene the local sending agency.

Sending organizations are designated by each country.

The Ministry of Justice has sequentially entered into bilateral agreements on specific skills with 9 countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines, which have received foreigners.
Some of them, like the Philippines, have decided that local recruitment always uses the local sending agency.
The bilateral agreement with Mongolia stipulates that the only authorized local sending agency is the Labor and Social Security Services General Office (GOLWS).
Depending on the country, it may be necessary to intermediate the local sending agency when receiving from overseas.
Please check in advance.

<Reference>Bilateral Memorandum of Cooperation on Specific Skills

[Step ③] Have you passed the specific skill evaluation test and Japanese proficiency?

It is important to have an interview and be hired if the foreigner who is applying for specific skills has passed the designated exam.

Specific Skill No. 1 must pass the designated Japanese Language Proficiency Test and Skill Evaluation Test (excluding those who have completed Technical Intern Training No. 2).
The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test basically covers the following tests in all fields.
There are also areas where additional Japanese evaluation exams have been designated, such as nursing care.

  • 【Overseas】 The Japan Foundation Japanese Language Foundation Test
  • 【Domestic / Foreign】 Japanese Proficiency Test (NX NUMX or higher)

Skills assessment tests are set up for each industry sector.
2019 Year As of 6, the following 4 industries have been decided by the implementing organization or have already been tested for skills assessment.
Other industries will be announced on the website of the relevant Ministries at any time during preparation.

[Skill evaluation test implementation organization and industrial field]

Industrial fieldSkill evaluation examination conduct group2019 year as of 6 month
Nursing care2019 nursing skills
Evaluation test implementation company
(The details are Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website
Start in Japan / Philippines
Building cleaning ManagementJapan Building Maintenance AssociationPlan to start after autumn 2019
宿 泊General corporate judicial person accommodation business skill examination centerStart in Japan
Restaurant businessForeign Food Industry Skills Evaluation OrganizationStart in Japan

Ministry of Justice"Q & A pertaining to the status of residence "specific skills""According to
It does not matter whether the foreigner has passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test or Skills Evaluation Test at the time of job offer..
There is no problem even if the hiring decision and the exam pass.

However,At the time of application for status of residence for a particular skill, you must have passed the prescribed exams.
The difficulty level of the exam varies depending on the field, but it is important to note that if the exam is not of such a high level, you will be alert and you will often fail due to lack of study.
You cannot apply for a specific skill unless you pass the exam.

[Step ④] Do you meet the employment conditions required of the host organization?

There are conditions that the host organization must meet in the examination of the status of residence of a specific skill.
In particular, please note the following points when concluding an employment contract with a foreigner.

  • ・ Working hours for which a specific skill visa is granted are full-time only.
  • ・ Salary level is equal to or higher than that of Japanese in the same position
  • ・ Apply social insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance, and other benefits equally
  • ・ Arrange so that foreigners can use it when they wish to obtain paid leave.

The status of residence of a specific skill cannot be used part-time or part-time.
It is necessary to meet the standard working hours of 5 hours or more, 30 days a week.
The salary level is also an important point related to the examination.
If there are no Japanese people engaged in the same work, the judgment will be made based on the average value within the local industry.
Social insurance, worker's compensation insurance, welfare benefits, etc. apply in the same way as other Japanese people.
No discriminatory treatment is permitted because you are a foreigner.

<Reference> Please also see the following regarding the conditions required of the host company.
"What is the receiving organization for specific skills? Standards and obligations to hire foreigners on specific skills visas"

[Step ⑤] Confirm the implementation and timing of the support plan for Specific Skill No. 1.

Specific Skill No. 1 When hiring a foreignerCompaniesDevelop and implement an appropriate support planobligation in XNUMX minutes by bus from Yonago Station.

The support plan is to provide the necessary knowledge for daily life and duties so that foreigners can stay in Japan without any problems.
Specific Skill No. XNUMX In a language (native language) that foreigners can understand, starting with explanation of working conditions, support for necessary procedures at government offices, support for securing appropriate housing, airport transfer at the time of entry and exit, support for changing jobs at the time of dismissal, etc. Must be carried out.
Be sure to check what kind of support plan you need when you hire.

When calling from overseas, guidance before entering Japan may be required (although it can be shortened even when hiring from Japan, guidance must be provided).
If it is impossible for the receiving organization to carry out a support plan (if the requirements required by law cannot be met, or if internal resources are insufficient),It is also possible to entrust some or all of the support to a registered support organization..

<Reference> Please also see the following regarding the contents of the support plan and the registration support organization.
"What is a registration support organization? | Necessary requirements for registration and support plan contents for specific skills 1"

[Summary] To accept, let's check the work contents of foreigners with specific skills

It is a specific skill that is said to be easy for foreigners to acquire in the working status of residence, but the requirements and obligations required by the host organization are more than those of other statuses of residence.
In addition, it is also important to check in advance whether the work to be engaged falls within the scope that a specific skill allows.
If you do not meet the conditions when you apply for a visa, companies and recruits will be wasted time and money.
The status of residence for specific skills has just started, so we are still trying to figure out what kind of work will be allowed.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For questions regarding specific skill visas, please contact Climb
* Our office is also a registration support organization!

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