Status of Residence


Activities that can be done in JapanThose who receive the same privileges and exemptions as those of the diplomatic mission, or the family members belonging to the same household as those of the diplomatic mission, by the foreign government diplomatic missions or consular agencies of the government that the Japanese government receives, treaties or international practices Acting as a member
ExampleAmbassador of foreign government, minister, consul general, delegation members and their families
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)Duration of diplomatic activities


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities as a person engaged in official business for a foreign government or international organization approved by the Japanese government, or as a member of a family belonging to the same household as that person (excluding activities listed in the section on diplomacy)
ExampleStaff of embassies / consulates of foreign governments, persons dispatched from public organizations etc. from international organizations etc. and their families
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5, 3, 1, 3 months, 30 days, 15 days


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities to conduct research, research guidance and education at Japanese universities or equivalent organizations or technical colleges
ExampleUniversity professors etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months


Activities that can be done in JapanMusic, art, literature and other artistic activities with income (excluding activities listed in box office in this table)
ExampleComposers, painters, writers, etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months


Activities that can be done in JapanMissionary work religious workers dispatched to Japan by foreign religious groups and other religious activities
ExampleMissionaries etc dispatched from foreign religious organizations
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months

News report

Activities that can be done in JapanInterviews conducted based on contracts with foreign media organizations and other media activities
ExampleReporters of foreign press, photographers
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months

Management · management (former investment · management)

Activities that can be done in JapanForeign nationals who started business of trade and other business in Japan, invested in these businesses in Japan, engaged in the management of the business, engaged in the management of the business, or started the management of these business in Japan Hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or on behalf of a foreigner investing in these businesses in Japan, or engaging in the management of the said business Excluding activities engaged in the management or management of businesses that are deemed to be unable to be carried out by law unless they have the qualifications listed in the section.
ExampleManagement and manager of foreign-affiliated companies etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5, 3, 1, 4, 3 months

Legal / accounting service

Activities that can be done in JapanActs engaged in business related to accounting, laws deemed to be conducted by a foreign lawyer, a foreign certified public accountant or other legally qualified persons
ExampleLawyer, certified public accountant etc
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities engaged in medical work related to doctors, dentists and other persons qualified by law
ExampleDoctor, dentist, nurse
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities engaged in work conducting research based on contracts with public and private institutions in Japan (excluding activities listed in the professor section of this table)
ExampleResearchers such as government agencies and private enterprises
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities that teach language education and other education in Japanese elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, secondary education schools, blind schools, deaf schools, schools for disabled schools, vocational schools, various schools, or similar educational institutions concerning facilities and organization
ExampleLanguage teachers such as junior high school and high school etc
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months

Technology · Humanities · International work (2015 year 4 month from 1 day)

Activities that can be done in JapanEngineering or other natural science fields based on a contract with public or private institutions in Japan, technologies belonging to the field of law, economics, sociology or other humanities, or work requiring knowledge, or foreign cultures Activities engaged in tasks requiring sensitivity or susceptibility (from the professor's section in this table, the art section, the press section, the medical section, the section on management and management to the section on education, within the company Excluding the activities listed in the section on relocation and the box office.) As a prerequisite, there must be a certain level of technical expertise, academic knowledge or more, activities requiring knowledge, thoughts based on foreign cultures , Or activity requiring a certain level of professional abilities based on susceptibility.
ExampleIT engineers, interpreters, designers, language teachers at private companies, etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months

Transfer within a company

Activities that can be done in JapanA section of technology in this table which the employees of offices located in foreign countries of the head office, branch office or other business office located in a foreign office located in Japan have transferred to the place of business in Japan and transferred at that office, or humanities Activities listed in the section on knowledge / international work
ExampleTransferee from a foreign office
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities related to entertainment such as drama, entertainment, performances, sports etc. or other entertainment activities (excluding activities listed in the Investment / Management section of this table)
ExampleActors, singers, dancers, professional athletes etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)3, 1, 6 months, 3 months, 15 days


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities engaged in skilled skill-related tasks belonging to special industrial fields to be done based on contracts with public and private institutions in Japan
ExampleForeign cuisine cooks, sports instructors, pilots such as aircraft, processing artisans such as precious metals etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 3 months

Technical Internship

Activities that can be done in JapanNo. 1 A
An employee of a foreign office of a Japanese public or private organization, or an employee of a foreign public or private organization's overseas office that has a business relationship with a Japanese public or private organization as stipulated by Ministry of Justice ordinance Based on an employment contract with an organization in Japan, activities to acquire skills etc. by engaging in the work of the office in Japan of the organization (Including activities to acquire the knowledge necessary for the relevant activities that are accepted)
No. 1 b
Acquisition of knowledge accepted by a non-profit organization that conforms to the requirements stipulated by the Ministry of Justice ordinance, and employment with a public or private organization in Japan under the responsibility and supervision of the organization based on the plan formulated by the organization Activities to acquire skills, etc. by engaging in the work of the organization based on the contract
No. 2 A
Persons who have acquired skills, etc. by engaging in the activities listed in item 1(a) are required to acquire the skills, etc. at a public or private organization in Japan designated by the Minister of Justice based on an employment contract in order to become proficient in the said skills, etc. Activities to engage in work that requires
No. 2 b
Persons who have acquired skills, etc. by engaging in the activities listed in item 1(b), in order to become proficient in the said skills, etc., are required to acquire the said skills, etc. at the said organization based on an employment contract with a public or private organization in Japan designated by the Minister of Justice. Activities to engage in necessary business (limited to those engaged in the business under the responsibility and supervision of a non-profit organization that conforms to the requirements stipulated by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice)
ExampleTechnical internship student
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)1 year, 6 months or the period designated separately by the Minister of Justice (the range not exceeding 1 year)

Cultural activities

Activities that can be done in JapanActivities to conduct specialized research on academic or artistic activities without income or culture or technology peculiar to Japan, or to acquire it by receiving guidance from experts (from the section on study in this table to the section on training Except activities listed in
ExampleResearchers of Japanese culture etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)3 year, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months

Short term stay

Activities that can be done in JapanParticipation in tourism, recreation, sports, relatives visit, tours, classes, or meetings that are held for a short period in Japan, business contacts, and similar activities
ExampleTourists, conference attendees, etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)Period with unit of day within 90 day, 30 day, or 15 day

Study abroad

Activities that can be done in JapanActivities that receive education in Japanese institutions, technical colleges, high schools (including the secondary course of secondary school), higher education of special support schools, vocational schools or various schools, or institutions similar to those concerning facilities and organization
ExampleColleges, junior colleges, technical colleges and high school students
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)4年3ヶ月、4年、3年3ヶ月、3年、2年3ヶ月、2年、1年3ヶ月、1年、6ヶ月、3ヶ月


Activities that can be done in JapanActivities to acquire skills, skills or knowledge accepted by public and private organizations in Japan (excluding activities listed in the Technical Intern Training 1 and Study Abroad section in this table)
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)1 year, 6 months, 3 months

Family stay

Activities that can be done in JapanEvery day a person staying with the status of residence from the professor of this table to the cultural activity (excluding technical internship) or a spouse or child acting as a child to be supported by a person residing with the status of residence of study abroad in this table
ExampleSpouse / child that the resident alien supports
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5年、4年3ヶ月、4年、3年3ヶ月、3年、2年3ヶ月、2年、1年3ヶ月、1年、6ヶ月、3ヶ月

Specific activities

Activities that can be done in JapanActivities specifically designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreigners
ExampleAdvanced researchers, domestic servants such as diplomats, working holiday, candidates for foreign nurses and care workers based on economic partnership etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 4 year, 3 year, 2 year, 1 year, 6 month, 3 month, or a period specified individually by the Minister of Justice (not exceeding 1 year)

Highly skilled professional (established on April 2015, 4)

Activities that can be done in Japan

1 No.
It is an activity that falls under any of the following items (a) to (c) conducted by a person who conforms to the standards stipulated by the Ministry of Justice as personnel with high-level professional abilities, and contributes to academic research in Japan, or economic development Things expected to be.

  1. (A) to conduct research or research guidance or education based on a contract with a public or private institution of Japan designated by the Minister of Justice, or to manage business related to the activities in conjunction with such activities, Activities to conduct research, research guidance, or education based on contracts with public and private organizations in Japan.
  2. (B) Based on a contract with a public or private institution of Japan designated by the Minister of Justice, an activity engaged in business that requires knowledge or technology in the field of natural science or humanities, or in conjunction with the activity, Activities that manage business on their own.
  3. (C) Activities to conduct trade and other business in the public and private institutions designated by the Minister of Justice or to engage in the management of the project, or to manage the business related to the activities in conjunction with the activities.

2 No.
The activities listed below that are those who conducted the activities listed in 1 and that those who conform to the standards stipulated by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as their contribution to the benefit of Japan.

  1. (A) Activities to conduct research, research guidance or education based on contracts with public and private institutions in Japan.
  2. (B) Activities engaged in knowledge required in the field of natural sciences or humanities based on contracts with public or private institutions in Japan, or work requiring skills.
  3. (C) Activities that engage in the management of trade and other business in public or private institutions in Japan, or in the management of the project.
  4. Activities listed in the section on Professor, Art, Religion, Reporting, Legal / Accounting Duties, Medical Education, Technical / Human Knowledge, International Duties, Entertainment, Skills together with Activities from X X number a to c Excluding activities falling under any of XYUMX 's a) to c).
ExampleAdvanced personnel by point system
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)1 year is 5 year, 2 number is indefinite

Permanent resident

Status or status in JapanThose who recognize permanent residence by the Minister of Justice
ExamplePersons who received permission for permanent residence from the Minister of Justice (excluding "special permanent resident" under the Immigration Control Act).
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)Indefinite period

Japanese spouse etc.

Status or status in JapanA spouse of a Japanese nationality or a baby born as a special adopted child or a child of a Japanese under Article 29 Article 2 of the civil code (Meiji 89 Act 817)
ExampleJapanese spouse, real child, special adopted child
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 6 months

Spouse of permanent resident etc.

Status or status in JapanPersons who stay as permanent resident status of residence, or spouse of special permanent resident (collectively referred to as "permanent resident, etc."), or a child of permanent resident, etc. who have been born in Japan and have continued to stay in Japan
ExampleSpouses of permanent resident / special permanent resident and child who has been born and continues to stay in our country
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 6 months


Status or status in JapanThose who allow the residence by the Minister of Justice to designate a certain period of stay in consideration of special reasons
ExampleIndochinese refugees, Japanese 3 world, Chinese residing in China etc.
Period of Stay (Note: New period of stay is established from 2012 month in 7 year.)5 year, 3 year, 1 year, 6 month, or a period specified individually by the Minister of Justice (not exceeding 5 year)


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