[Specific activities] Refugee application

● The page is automatically translated in multiple languages,The languages ​​available at our office are "Japanese, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Nepali".
We cannot respond to inquiries in languages ​​other than the above.

Reservations are required for visits and online consultations.Please note that we cannot respond even if you come to our office without making a reservation.


The permit rate for changing visas while applying for refugee status is increasing.

The permit rate for changing visas while applying for refugee status is increasing.
शरणार्थी आवेदन को समयमा भिसा परिवर्तन अनुमति दर मा वृद्धि भइरहेको छ.
Tỷ lệ xin được visa trong thời gian chờ xin tị nạn đang tăng lên.


The permission rate for changing to other visas such as work visas for foreigners residing in Japan for specific activities during refugee application is high.
The permission rate for changing to other visas such as work visas for foreigners residing in Japan for specific activities during refugee application is high.
शरणार्थी आवेदन को समयमा विशेष गतिविधिहरु को लागी जापान मा बस्ने विदेशीहरु को लागी काम भिसा जस्तै अन्य भिसाहरु को लागी परिवर्तन दर उच्च छ.
Những người có visVisa hoạt động đặc biệt (Tokutei Katsudo), diện đang trong thời gian xin tị nạn đang lưu trú tại Nhật, khả năng chuyển đổi được sang visa lao động hoặc visa khác đang tăng cao..


In recent years, once you have applied for refugee status and become a specific activity visa, changing to another visa has become very strict, but the permit rate has increased since last year due to the influence of Corona.
In recent years, once you have applied for refugee status and become a specific activity visa, changing to another visa has become very strict, but the permit rate has increased since last year due to the influence of Corona.
हालैका वर्षहरुमा, एक पटक जब तपाइँले शरणार्थी को स्थिति को लागी आवेदन दिनुभयो र एक विशिष्ट गतिविधि भिसा बन्नुभयो, अर्को भिसा मा परिवर्तन गर्न धेरै कडा भएको थियो, तर कोरोना को प्रभाव को कारण गत बर्ष देखि अनुमति दर बढेको छ.
Trước đây, những người từng xin tin nạn và được cấp visa hoạt động đặc biệt (Tokutei Katsudo), rất khó khăn khi chuyển đổi sang visa khác. Tuy nhiên, do đanh ảnh hưởng của dịch bệnh Corona, từ năm trước, tỉ lệ chu yển đổi thành công đã tăng cao.

▼ Changes in the permit rate from specific activities during refugee application at our company
Changes in the permit rate from specific activities during refugee application at our company.

XNUMX XNUMX% or less(Less than)

रो कम मा मा आवेदन को समयमा गतिविधिहरु गतिविधिहरु बाट अनुमति मा मा परिवर परिवर परिवर
२०१९ साल १०% भन्दा कम
२०२० साल ३०%
२०२१ साल ७०%

Tỷ lệ chu yển đổi visa thàn h công từ visa hoạt động đặc biệt (Tokutei Katsudo), diện đang xin tị nạn sang
Năm 2019: Dưới 10%
Year 2020: 30%
Năm 2021: Trên 70%

Would you like to take this opportunity to change from an unstable visa to another visa?

Would you like to take this opportunity to change from an unstable visa to another visa?
यो मौका माअस्थिर visa बाट अन्य visa मा परिवर्तनगर्थिवर्तनगर्ननगयययय
Nhân cơ hội này, bạn có muốn chu yển đổi từ visa ít an toàn sang visa khác an toàn hơn không?

Conditions to change

Conditions to change
परिवर्तन गर्नको लागी सर्तहरु
Trường hợp chu yển đổi visa

work visa(Working visa / कार्य भिसा / Visa lao động)

Common (common / सामान्य / Thông thường)
・ A place of employment has been found
 Have a company to work
 काम गर्ने कम्पनी भेटिएको
 Đã có công ty tiếp n hận.

Technology · Humanities · International work
 Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / Int`l Services
 Visa lao động (Kỹ thuật ・ Tri thức nhân văn ・ Nghiệp vụ quốc tế)

・ Those who have graduated from university and have a degree
 Those who have graduated from university etc. and have a degree.
 विश्वविद्यालय आदि बाट स्नातक रडिग्रीभएकी
 Đã tốt ng hiệp senmon, cao đẳng, đị a học trở lên.

・ Mainly for white-collar work
 Mainly for white-collar work
 मुह्यतया white-collar काम को लागी
 Chủ yếu là n hững công việc có chu yên môn.

Specified skills
 Specified Skilled Workers
 निर्दिष्ट सीप भएको कामदार
 Visa kỹ năng đặc định

・ Those who have passed the skill evaluation test for each field
 Those who have passed the skill evaluation test for each field
 ती जो प्रत्येक क्षेत्रको लागी कौशल मूल्यामूल्या
 Đã có chứng nhận đỗ kỳ thi kỹ n ăng đặc định

・ Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level XNUMX or above
 Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N4 or above
 जापानी भाषा प्रवीणता परीक्षण स्तर N4 वामाथिको्थिको्थिको
 Chứng chỉ tiếng Nhật N4 trở lên

Marriage visa(Marriage visa / विवाह भिसा / Visa kết hôn)

Those who are married to a Japanese person or someone who lives in Japan with a visa
 Those who are married to a Japanese person or someone who lives in Japan with a visa
 जापानी व ति वा जापान मा भिसा लिएर गरिरहेको संग संग विवाहित विवाहित व व व व
 Kết hôn với người Nhật hoặc kết hôn với người có visa đủ điều kiện bảo lãnh

People who are difficult to change

People who are difficult to change
मानिसहरु जो परिवर्तन गर्नकठिनछन्
Trường hợp chu yển đổi visa kết hôn gặp khó khăn

● Those who are resident as international students and have poor status of residence such as school attendance rate
 Those who are resident as international students and have poor status of residence such as school attendance rate.
 जो तर राष विद को को रूप मा र र स उपस न आदि गरीब बसोबासको भएकाहरु भएकाहरु भएकाहरु भएकाहरु
 Là du học sinh, có thành tích lên lớp kém, hoặc tình trạng cư trú xấu.



work visaChange to¥132,000(tax included)
Family visa visaChange to¥132,000(tax included)
Management · management visaChange toplease use this form.
Change to a visa other than the aboveof the Directions & Parking



At the administrative scrivener corporation ClimbEnglish / Chinese / Vietnamese / NepaliIt corresponds to.
Climb, an administrative scrivener corporation, supports English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Nepali.
प्रशासनिक scrivener निगम क्लाइम्ब मा अंग्रेजी, चिनियाँ, भियतनामी, र नेपाली समर्थन गर्दछ.
Văn phòng hành chính visa Administrative scrivener corporation Climb hỗ trợ tiếng Anh, tiếng Trung, tiếng Việt, tiếng Nepal.

This consultation is only available by phone, so we cannot respond to inquiries by message.
This consultation is only available by phone, so we cannot respond to inquiries by message.
यो परामर्श मात्र फोन द्वारा उपलब्ध छ, त्यसैले हामी सन्देश द्वारा सोधपुछ को जवाफ दिन सक्दैनौं.
Hiện tại chúng tôi đang hỗ trợ duy n hất thông qua hình thức gọi điện trực tiếp tới văn phòng.

📞 050-3196-4138 (dedicated number)
[Reception] Weekdays 9: 00-19: 00

When calling"It's a refugee specific activity. I saw a Facebook ad and called."Please tell me.
When you call, please say, “This is a refugee identification activity. I called after seeing the FB advertisement.”
फोन गर्नु हुने बेला"Nanmin no Tokutei Katsudō हो। मैले FB विज्ञापन (advertising) देखे पछिफोनभन्नुहोला।
Khi gọi điện liên lạc, hãy nói rằng"Hiện tôi có visa Tokutei Katsudo diện đang xin tị nạn. Tôi đã liên lạc sau khi xem được thông tin trên Facebook"


9: 00 ~ 19: 00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Accepting 365 hours a day, 24 days a year

Free consultation / inquiry

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